Why should I take a Kiteboard Lesson?

  1. Experience of a Lifetime - Kiteboarding is one of those amazing things you see, but always wonder what it would really be like. Here is a great opportunity to experience the thrill of kitesurfing. Don't just dream about it- jump into a lesson and feel the power.
  2. Try before you buy - Many people are curious about the thrills of kiteboarding, but are reluctant to spend $1300 - $1700 on a kiteboarding gear package. By taking a lesson, you get a great concept of the sport with a small initial investment. We provide all the gear needed to get you in the water and see if the sport is a good fit for you.
  3. Save time and money - Get the right kiteboarding gear the first time and spend those first few hours learning on our kites, not your own. All kites, boards and riding areas are not the same. Learn about kite size, rider weight and the area you plan to ride prior to making a purchase. Since we are the largest Cabrinha and Naish dealers in the Midwest, we have unbeatable prices and even better after-the-sale service.
  4. Safety - Learn to kiteboard safely! Would you try to learn to fly an airplane by yourself? Our classes are PASA certified and stress safety above all else. We will get you in the water with confidence and the knowledge that you are safe and ready to go.

Have fun, kite safe and go BIG!

For more information: Kitesurfing Lessons

1st Jan 2010 MACkite

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