Ride With Blake
Ride With Blake Archive
Below is an archive of our Team Rider, Blake Olsen, who is famous for his series "Ride with Blake". Enjoy beginner tips, advanced tricks, and destination videos all in one convenient place.

"Ride with Blake" How to Kiteloop For Beginners
Today we are going to be learning a really fun, scary and feel good trick. This trick takes it to the next level in kiteboarding, and whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced rider this is a trick you should learn someday. The feeling of going up and then flying horizontally through the air [...]

Grabs Every Kiteboarder needs to know: Part One
Hey guys, Blake from Mackite here. This week we are going to go over kiteboarding grabs and give you a board grab guide.We'll eventually cover every grab from beginner to advanced so stay tuned. Why you need to start Not only does adding grabs to your jumps/tricks feel great but it actually helps you control the rotation and [...]

Kiteboarding: How to Setup Your Footstraps - Ride with Blake: Vlog 36
This video covers how to perfect your kiteboarding stance as well as some of the basics concepts such as heelside, toeside. Goofy foot vs regular foot. Riding blind and riding wrapped. If you need help putting your footstraps together for the first time give us a call and we'll walk you through it. 800-622-4655 This may seem like [...]

Ride With Blake: 4 Tips to Land a Kite
Step One: Catch someone’s attention on the beach by tapping your head. Make sure that as you are coming in you have gotten the attention of someone before starting to put your kite down. Make sure the person knows that you want them to land you before putting your kite down low at the edge of [...]

Kiteboarding: 3 Sessions to Your First Front Roll
The front roll is a must have basic for any kiteboarder. It looks awesome on its own but it does lead to more advanced tricks and rotations. Today you were going to learn this basic in three sessions. I'm going to do this one a little different as this video is for beginners. It's all about muscle [...]

Kiteboarding: 5 Steps to Better Kite Control
Five steps to better kite control. Hey guys, today I want to talk about five things you can do to dramatically improve your kite skills. After all, kiteboarding is mostly about flying a kite. I mean, kites have been around for thousands of years. Most people can have fun flying a small kite on a string. [...]

5 Steps to Relaunch Your Kite
The relaunch is one of the most important steps in learning how to kiteboard. After all, if you can't get your kite out of the water you're not going to get very far in the sport. One of the biggest concerns people face in the early stages is the fear of the unknown. What happens if I [...]
Five Steps to Jump on a Foilboard
With so many friends coming to visit recently, I haven't been working nearly as much as I should. The last week I've mostly logged a lot of hours at work. That said, I thought I would talk about a really fun event that takes place in Key West. The Havana Classic, a Hobie cat race [...]

Ride with Blake: How to Ride Your Kiteboard Upwind
Hey folks! In the latest installment of MACkite’s Ride With Blake series, Blake Olsen chats about how to ride upwind - a critical skill in the learning process of kiteboarding for beginners. Blake: Today’s lesson is on how to ride upwind. Once you get your first start, you end up going back and forth on the [...]

Five steps to do a back roll hand drag kiteboarding transition
The Back roll hand drag is possibly the most stylish way to transition The last week in Key west has been epic. Exploring the islands with my kite, paddle boarding the mangroves and snorkeling the reef. The abundance of wildlife in the ocean never ceases to amaze me! For this week's blog I thought I would share five [...]
Eight steps to throw an inverted front roll kiteboarding
The inverted front roll is a slightly more advanced variation of the front roll. The last few days in key West haven’t been that windy. In truth, it’s a much-needed break! I thought I would take a bike ride down to the White Street Pier and break down my favorite trick for you. The inverted front [...]

Ride with Blake: Episode Two - How to Live on a Sailboat
In the second episode Blake gives us a glimpse into his life on a sailboat in Key West. Kite dreamsQuit your job, move somewhere south. Pick up a sailboat and spend your days kiteboarding with friends. Live a care-free life. It sounds impossible, I know. I'm here to tell you it's not. Four years ago I moved [...]

Ride With Blake: Episode one - How to foilboard
In his first Vlog that will be covering a variety of topics including trick tips Blake Olsen covers the basics behind foilboarding for the first time. Foil boarding is beyond fun Many claim it's akin to snowboarding in endless powder. That said it can be intimidating for first timers looking to get on the water. I [...]

Blakes Travels C2SKY Kite Center
MACKite Location Review on C2SKY kite Center 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The location: Location: Mũi Ne,Southern Vietnam, South China Sea. Nearest airport: Saigon (Ho Chi Min City) 4-6 hour bus ride. Season: November- April with winds all year. Wind: 25-35 knots Average kite size: 4-9m during windy season. Beach: Miles of sandy coastline with 27 kite schools. Break: Flat water close to shore and sandbar break with kickers 100 [...]

Blake Olsen - A kiteboarding saga begins
Four years ago, I moved from Michigan in search of endless summer. I found a piece of paradise in Key West, Florida where you can Kiteboard in gorgeous, neon-blue water, ride with board shorts in January, and explore the southernmost islands of the Florida Keys.This winter was unusually windy and cool due to El Nino; [...]

Kiteboarding Video: Blake Olsen | Kiting Smathers Beach
Blake Olsen: Smathers Beach Ah, Key West, Florida. Home to warmth, simple pleasures, and to Smathers Beach. If you have the gumption to wake up early, take a walk down the beach and catch the sunrise. Sit down and enjoy the sun, the waves, and the surf as you soak in that much-needed Vitamin D. Sounds perfect, [...]