WIngfoiling Jibe Basic

WIngfoiling Jibe Basic

The Jibe is the first transition you need to learn in wingfoiling. Like everything wing, I encourage you to watch this video and practice the wing movement on the beach before taking it to the water. You can develop tons of wingskills without the spills right on the beach.

Keep backhand pressure 

The Jibe is a downwind transition. You may switch your feet before or after the transition. You may also chose to simply ride toeside after your jibe. The key to nailing these that I have found is backhand pressure.

Pull hard on your backhand and it will allow you to angle downwind with more power, speed and glide. It will pull your board and foil in the right direction and it gives you moemtm to make the hand switch at the end of the transition.

Maintain pressure until you make the transition 

While riding heel or toeside, pull on your backhand and start to ride downwind. Keep pulling until you’ve almost completely come around on the board. Now let go with your back hand and place it on the new lead handle and let the sail hang downwind while you make the switch. Place your new back hand on the proper handel and get wind back into the sail

Swap hands by letting the wing swing downwind first 

That's actually all there is to the basic Jibe. We do have a video on switching your feet if you would like to learn about that. Check it out here! 


Tucker Vantol

MACkite's resident surf and "Hydrofoil Junkie." You can either catch him on the phones or on the water at dawn testing new gear. He is proficient at a myriad of sports, a shaper and passionate about getting his water time. When he discovered kiteboarding it took over as his predominate sport. The same could be said about hydrofoiling.

22nd Oct 2020 Tucker

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