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2022 Cabrinha Contra Review
Today we're going to review the new 2022 Cabrinha Contra.
The Cabrinha Contra has always been one of my top two favorite light wind kites. I've been using it on and off for probably a good five years now, bouncing back and forth from the Turbine, and I had some sessions on the Eleveight RS 17 meter. I think there's some really good things about the Contra. With the the latest iteration, there are some things that I don't care for as much, and we'll break down everything you need to know in t
10th Mar 2022
F-One Strike V2 Wing Review - Best of 2022?
Hey everybody, welcome back to MACkiteboarding Wing Wednesdays. I'm Tucker and today I'm going to tell you all about the new F-One Strike v2 for 2022.
This has been a really hotly anticipated wing this year and there have been lots of questions about it. With the success of the v1 and how great of a wing that was, to say that the standards were really high would be an understatement. I think, more than anything, people have been scratching their heads, wondering how F-One was going to make t
9th Mar 2022
F-One Strike V2 vs. Duotone Unit V2 - An Icy Cage Match
Being a cooler than typical winter here in Michigan, I’ve been jonesing for a session far too long. Fresh new goodies were just sitting unused like a pile of visible regrets. After hunting for weeks for an opening in the ice, I was finally blessed with a pool which was large enough to ride in. Furthermore, the weather was actually nice at 40 deg air, 34 deg water, and sunshine.
I’ll have some more formal video reviews coming in the next few weeks but wanted to get the info out ASAP for those
24th Feb 2022
There's a Lot to Love About the Cabrinha FX
The Cabrinha FX, in one word – fun – smooth - full of energy - just plain enjoyment! Ok, that was way more than one word, but those that know me know I never have just one word for anything.Recently rode the 12m FX in the warm waters of Jupiter, FL. (lighter winds 16-17 knots) and then again in the chilly waters of Michigan (21-23 knots) a few days later.
Simply put, I love the feel of this kite. Completely responsive with a smooth forward drive at both the low-end and high-end of the ki
1st Feb 2022
2017 North Click Bar First Impression with Rygo
Hey guys, it’s Rygo from MACkite and today I want to give you my first impressions on the 2017 North Click bar. Initially, I was really hesitant about this bar. I envisioned an overly complicated control bar that was trying to fix something that obviously wasn’t really broken. When I got it in my hands, that notion couldn’t have been further from the truth. The bar is actually incredibly simple, not only in function but in aesthetics as well. The funny thing is that I was using a prototype click
19th Oct 2016
Steve on the 2017 Fireball - Review
The head honcho himself took the new 2017 Cabrinha Fireball system for a spin the other day and has deigned to pass along his insight.
I first flew a Wipika 2-line 5 meter kite back in October of 1999. Over the years, kiteboarding gear keeps improving by leaps and bounds, but there have been very few moments when I have seen a new system or product that I feel will really change a complete segment of gear. The Crossbow / Switchblade release in 2006 was definitely one of those moments. Sling
10th Sep 2016