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Kiteboarding: Who Has Right of Way?
In this weeks episode I’ll be going to my sisters bachelorette party in vegas, then I’ll be making my way to interview my good friend Kara Mulder. Kara is a kiteboarder, the author of the flight attendant life and a digital nomad like myself. She has some amazing insights behind the community to be found in kiteboarding and travel.
Before we get into the rules:
A quick reminder, like driving it's always your responsibility to avoid a collision, even if you have the right of way. You can not
29th Jun 2017
How to put a Fireball Spreader Bar on a Ride Engine Harness
Hi, this is Tucker from, and today I’m going to show you how to connect a 2017 Cabrinha Fireball Spreader Bar to a Ride Engine harness. Here we have the Hex-Core Ride Engine, and the first thing we did was strip the rubber plastic tubing off to expose the strap. This is what we’re going to need - doing that is not super easy and getting it back on is even harder, so we wouldn’t recommend doing that unless you’re really planning to put this on for a while. It is possible to
3rd Aug 2016
Save the Date: MACkite KoGL Test Fest - September 23-25, 2016
Save the Date: MACkite KoGL Test Fest - September 23-25, 2016
If you're not hospitalized, getting married, or dying, we'd best see you all at the beach for the annual King of the Great Lakes Test Fest. KoGL has been growing since its inception several years ago and shows no signs of slowing down. Hosted at the Grand Haven City Beach, the event will run the weekend of September 23-25. This year's event will see all of our kiteboarding brands represented at the beach, each with a quiver full of
2nd Aug 2016
2015 Best Kiteboarding RP Control Bar
The Best RP Control Bar keeps getting better and better. For 2015 Best has added some really comfy material to the bar, which makes those extra long sessions that much easier on the paws. They've also tweaked the bar-ends and floats to be more streamlined, which makes for a less cluttered look. The slick, black lines feel like waxed cables in hand and are really easy to unwind and lay out. The cleat can be adjusted to whatever position along the mainline that you'd like. For those with monkey ar
22nd Oct 2014
2015 Best Admiral Kiteboard Review
Our boy, Nathan, absolutely loves the 2015 Best Admiral kiteboard and he thinks that you will too. Check in with Kevin Wade, from Best Kiteboarding, as he goes through the features. The Admiral will have you ruling the high seas with premium freeride goodness!
22nd Oct 2014
How to Throw a Raley Video
20th Dec 2013