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Down Loop Front Roll Transition - Ride with Blake
Today Rygo and I are going to be covering a very important topic, one that will change the way you transition forever. The reason downloops are so cool is because they're basically a shortcut to more powered transitions, used for riding waves, carving turns and riding in light winds. Make sure to do this while slightly under-powered to minimize risk of injury.
This is one of our more advanced videos. The good news is that we have three tutorials you should master before attempting this trick
2nd May 2019
How to Do an Unhooked Back Roll
Unhooked Back RollBasicsDifficulty 2Today we’re going to breakdown a heelside back roll. Learning the back roll is going to open the door to many other more advanced tricks that begin with this rotation. Tricks like the Back to Blind, the KGB or even Back Mobes. Like all sports, it comes down to repetition and practicing the basics. The Back Roll is often a misunderstood trick. Not because it's overly difficult but because people often mistake it for a flip and while you can invert you
25th Apr 2019
How to Kiteloop: Down Loop Landings - Ride with Blake
Down Loops are the first step in learning kiteloops.
Today we are going to be going over how to land with a downloop. A downloop is different from a heli loop because they are more of a transitional loop used at the end of a jump, trick or transition. A heli loop will catch you softly, whereas a downloop will help, but more so pull you into the other direction. You may land hot, but it won’t be the same amount of pull as a kiteloop, Make sure always to land with your board pointed downwin
22nd Apr 2019
How to do an unhooked raley
The Raley
Level: Basics
Difficulty: 2 of 10
Today we’re going to break down the raley. This is usually the first trick aspiring freestyle or wakestyle riders learn. It’s a must if you hope to progress into any other air tricks as they all stem from this basic maneuver. Best of all, it’s a lot easier than you think. While not overly difficult, the raley is at the heart of most freestyle tricks. Loads of tricks start with the raley and incorporate rolls or spins.
For example, a Blind Judge 3
17th Apr 2019
Kiteboarding - How to pop unhooked
This blog will eventually be made into a complete beginners' unhooked playlist. Stand by while we film this spring.
This week we're going to break down the most fundamental move in kiteboarding: the pop. In freestyle kiteboarding, all advanced kiteboarding tricks can be broken down into smaller tricks. That means you have to master the basics, and it doesn’t get any more basic than a good pop. Think of this as your foundation whether you want to progress into air tricks, the park or just get
10th Apr 2019
Kiteloops you need to know - Ride with Blake
In season three of Ride with Blake we decided to focus on producing themed playlists. Blake and I took an RV road trip along Michigan's west coast to produce a "Jump with Style" playlist. Our aim was to teach kiteboarders how to improve the way they jumped and to help them develop a large bag of easy, yet awesome-looking kiteboarding tricks.
For season four we decided to build on that idea. We'll be producing the ultimate kiteloop playlist- a progressive kiteloop playlist starting with t
8th Apr 2019
Kiteboarding: Back Roll Tail Grab - Ride with Blake s3 ep6
The kiteboarding back roll with style
The Back Roll is often the first trick new kiteboarders learn. The thing is, as exciting as they are, at the end of the day, they don't look that great on their own. Now, add a grab. The Tail Grab is the easiest grab to pair with your Back Roll. It's also one of the better-looking grabs. For this playlist, our aim is to help you add a bunch of safe, good-feeling, easy tricks. These will improve your riding and style fast. These are non-inv
24th Jan 2019
Kiteboarding: Back Roll Roast Beef Grab - Ride with Blake: s3 ep5
The roast beef is arguably the best looking grab you can pair with a back roll, especially if you follow the tenets of style from our first video in this playlist. It might look like a difficult grab, but it’s actually really easy if you learn the muscle memory of the grab first. This is a trick you can master hooked in and cross over to your unhooked riding if you really want to up your game. The secret to making this trick look good is keeping the kite low and letting it pull you through
7th Jan 2019
Kiteboarding Trick: Front Roll Stalefish - Ride With Blake Ep 04
The Front Roll Stalefish is the trick that inspired this entire playlist we’re working on. Last summer I started riding more with our local legend and original MACkite team rider Marc Hoeksema. I noticed no matter how bad the conditions were, how gusty the wind or choppy the water, Marc always looked stylish and fluid on the water. I started to pay attention and break down all of his tricks. I noticed his signature move was the Front Roll Stalefish. This is the easiest grab to pair with an
24th Dec 2018
Kiteboard Trick: Front Roll Nuke Grab - Ride With Blake Ep 03
Front Roll Nuke
The nuke grab is considered one of the most advanced grabs but if you watched our last video, you know there is a trick that makes it easy to do, You’re probably thinking, that the front roll nuke must also be a difficult trick. While it is an advanced trick, it’s surprisingly easy to do. Blake was actually doing these before he was landing the standard nuke grab!
The reason is because of the way he was rotating his front rolls. By doing an off-axis roll and throwing his
10th Dec 2018
Kiteboarding Trick: How to Nuke Grab - Ride With Blake Ep 02
Nuke grab
The Nuke Grab is one of the more advanced grabs we cover in this playlist but it's not nearly as difficult as you think. There is a trick to doing this with ease and you can progress into it fairly quickly. For episode two of our jump with style playlist we'll be buildup up to our next trick in this series. The Front Roll Nuke Grab. Most of the tricks we cover in this series are very simple and while this is not the most difficult trick it does take a bit of time and commi
26th Nov 2018
Kiteboarding How To: Jumping With Style - Ride With Blake Ep 01
How to Jump with Style So you want to learn how to jump with style? You’ve come to the right place. In this video and blog, we’ll break down five practices to implement into your kiteboarding every session. Regardless of your level, adding these concepts to your riding will give you something fun to try and it might turn a few heads or two when you seemingly upgrade your style overnight. For season three of Ride with Blake, we wanted to take things up a notch or two. Blake and I thought it
8th Nov 2018
Kiteboarding: How to Trim Your Kite "Ride with Blake"
While not incredibly exciting, trimming your kite is important. It is imperative if you unhook, and it does help you jump better when your kite is set up correctly. Let's be honest, no one likes it when their kite isn't flying right!
Most importantly, a properly trimmed kite will prevent back stalling.
Step One: Find Some Space
Find somewhere safe to park your kite, ideally over water or a large beach. You don't want any obstacles downwind of you or solid objects that you migh
7th Aug 2018
kiteboarding: How to Butterslide "Ride with Blake"
The Butter Slide is hands down the easiest trick I’ll ever teach you. Just remember to come into this with good seed and power. The rest will sort its self out.
Once you learn the butter slide, try to incorporate into tricks you already know like transition or even front rolls!Step OneStart Small
Come in with good speed on your heel side edge, kite at 45. Ride slightly downwind lean back your your tail and put most of your weight on the back foot. At the same time, pull up with your f
24th Jul 2018
Kiteboarding Jumping Transition - Ride with Blake
If you can do a transition and jump, then you are ready for this trick!
4 Printable Steps for the BeachStep One: Start Small
The smaller you go at first, the easier this trick is. It should feel similar to a regular transition except your doing it a few inches or feet off the water. This is going to help you build a good foundation to progress this trick into bigger variations that require more height and time. Step Two: Pop Hard & Early
You will want to stomp your back fo
10th Jul 2018