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How to Self Rescue on a foilboard: Foil Fridays EP 12
The Self Rescue is your ace in the hole when it comes to kiteboarding.When in doubt, if you’re in trouble you can count on this method to systematically get yourself and your gear back in safely.
When it comes to foilboarding, the process is mostly the same but there are some subtle differences. I originally intended this video for riders who already know how to do a self rescue but it occurred to me that a full recap is always a good idea. I’ll break down all the steps below and the differ
19th Jul 2018
Learning to Foilboard Behind the Boat: Foil Fridays
Learning to Foil Behind the Boat
What's the easiest way to learn how to hydrofoil? Starting behind a boat! Learning behind the boat allows you to fully focus on the foiling itself, rather than worrying about the kite. It's essentially the trainer kite for foiling. This controlled environment allows you to understand how foils operate based on small adjustments.
Before You Hit the Water
You can foil behind a multitude of different watercraft, from a wakeboard boat to a jetski to
15th Jun 2018
Learning How to Hydrofoil Surf
How to Learn Hydrofoil Surfing
So you want to learn to hydrofoil surf? Congratulations! We too have caught the foil bug for all of our board sports. Surf foiling is truly a one of a kind experience that makes even the most marginal days into magical sessions. Aside from the silent, smooth, and effortless glide, surf hydrofoils tap into the most powerful part of the wave just beneath the surface. This allows you to keep momentum and connect sections on the smallest wave.Step 1 – Learn to Surf
3rd Oct 2017
Ride with Blake | How To Jump on a Foilboard
With so many friends coming to visit recently, I haven't been working nearly as much as I should. The last week I've mostly logged a lot of hours at work. That said, I thought I would talk about a really fun event that takes place in Key West. The Havana Classic, a Hobie cat race from Key West to Havana Cuba. Last year a few close friends and myself followed the racers quite a ways out. We didn't make all the way to Cuba but it was an incredible experience non the less. One of my long term goa
27th Apr 2017
Ride with Blake | How To Transition On a Foilboard
How to do a transition on your foilboard!
It's Friday so you know what that means. Another episode of Ride with Blake. The last week was incurably fun as some old friends from MACkite came to visit. Ryan (Rygo) Goloversic, Steve Lee and Chris Bobryk. There is nothing like kiteboarding with friends and having some adventures. Like when we helped some F-16 pilots get a session and they were quick to reciprocate by letting us fly in their in single engine plane. It's amazing what life will bring
21st Apr 2017
Liquid Force’s Last Video on Foilboarding With the Foil Fish
Final Liquid Force Hydrofoil Tutorial: Turning and Jumping You've dominated the waters on your foilboard with the techniques given by the sultry-voiced Siskar and Sensi Graves in their first foilboarding instructional video. You've mastered commanding your board as seen in the second Liquid Force tutorial. Now you, the ever-vigilant-watcher-of-all-things-how-to, can check out Liquid Force's final installment of how to foilboard using the LF Foil Fish (it's sad, we know). This time
16th Mar 2015