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Kiteboarding: How to Trim Your Kite "Ride with Blake"
While not incredibly exciting, trimming your kite is important. It is imperative if you unhook, and it does help you jump better when your kite is set up correctly. Let's be honest, no one likes it when their kite isn't flying right!
Most importantly, a properly trimmed kite will prevent back stalling.
Step One: Find Some Space
Find somewhere safe to park your kite, ideally over water or a large beach. You don't want any obstacles downwind of you or solid objects that you migh
7th Aug 2018
Kiteboarding Jumping Transition - Ride with Blake
If you can do a transition and jump, then you are ready for this trick!
4 Printable Steps for the BeachStep One: Start Small
The smaller you go at first, the easier this trick is. It should feel similar to a regular transition except your doing it a few inches or feet off the water. This is going to help you build a good foundation to progress this trick into bigger variations that require more height and time. Step Two: Pop Hard & Early
You will want to stomp your back fo
10th Jul 2018
Backroll Revert Downloop Transition | Ride with Blake
If you can do a backroll and you know how to pop toe-side, then you are ready for this trick!
4 Printable Steps for the Beach
Step One: Pop Harder
You are going to want to edge a little harder so that you can pop harder. Fly your kite a bit higher (around 11 - 1 o'clock) for this as well. This will help offer you a little more time in the air to finish that full 180* rotation into a back roll. Make a tight, arching, smooth, carving turn and pull in on your bar right as
25th Jun 2018
How to Waterstart | "Ride With Blake"
This is Blake Olson here at Smathers Beach in Key West, Florida. I'm about to teach you how to do your first starts on a kiteboard. Ben, the person behind the camera, is going to be demonstrating as he's learning. Here are five simple steps for a successful waterstart.
5 Steps to a Waterstart
1) Fly the Kite with One Hand
The first thing you need to do is to practice flying the kite with one hand while holding the board in your other hand. Be sure to grab the bar in the
19th Jun 2018
Basic Grabs - Mute and Nose | "Ride With Blake"
Breakdown for two really fun pop grabs that every kiteboarder needs to know: The Mute Grab and the Nose Grab. These are simple grabs that are easily improved and tweaked out as you progress.
If you have any questions, give us a call 800 622 4655
We're going to keep these short and sweet. Use these steps to visualize the trick in your mind. If you can see it, you can do it!
Printable Steps for the Beach
Tips for getting started:
Use your thumb for more control on the bar when riding
19th Jun 2018
How To Give a Piggyback Ride | "Ride With Blake"
This week we thought it would be fun to teach you something a little unconventional. While it's not your typical trick tip, giving a piggyback ride with your kite can be pretty fun! This is a great way to share the stoke with anyone!
If you have any questions, give us a call
Printable Steps for the Beach
Step 1
Be Comfortable
You're going to get close! Be confident and comfortable in your skill level before taking anyone out with you. Make su
19th Jun 2018
How to Darkslide | "Ride With Blake"
Excellent flatwater trick to start expanding out of your comfort zone all while incorporating other more basic trick skills
We're going to keep these short and sweet. Use these steps to visualize the trick in your mind. If you can see it, you can do it!
Printable Steps for the Beach
Step 1
Ride Powered.
Have a sufficient amount of power to ride while not being overpowered (which will end up pulling you off of your edge if you are). This also works best in flat/slick wat
12th Jun 2018
How to Pop to Blind | "Ride With Blake"
Living in Key West Florida has it’s perks. You know, perks like kiteboarding off of a friends boat in shallow blue water.
In Episode four Blake gives you five simple tips for learning how to pop to blind. Believe it or not, riding blind is a simple progression you can learn once you are adept at riding toe side in both directions. It’s a cornerstone to spice up the landing in literally any trick you can imagine. Best of all you can learn to do it hooked in or unhooked!
We're going
11th Jun 2018
Ride with Blake | How to Toe-Side Transition
Hey Guys, Blake here!
This week, were going to cover one of the first tricks you can learn in kiteboarding and one that you can use to add style to your transitions. The Toeside Transition with a pop to toeside, a smooth carve and a downloop.
The aim of this progression is to add some serious style and energy to your transitions so pay attention, print of the written steps found at the bottom of this blog and practice!
When to Start Riding Toeside
Once you're ridi
1st Jun 2018
Ride with Blake | How to Kiteloop
Today we are going to be learning a really fun, scary and feel good trick. This trick takes it to the next level in kiteboarding, and whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced rider this is a trick you should learn someday. The feeling of going up and then flying horizontally through the air is something you can’t do in any other board sport. It gives you a pure and ultimate adrenaline rush and it’s what pushes the limits in our sport of kiteboarding.
I’m sure you’ve all seen or
28th May 2018