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Front Roll better
This one is for those of you that know how to do basic front roll but want to take it to the next level. This is going to be a shorter one, but we'll cover a lot of ground.
So first things first: you should know how to do a basic front roll. This can be with a sent jump or with the load and pop method. Once you are airborne, look over your back shoulder and pull your front knee into your chest. As you come around for the roll, pay attention to the axis of your rotation. Are you doing mor
9th Jul 2020
3 Transitions you need to know
The goal of this video is to inspire you to try some more transitions and mix up your kiteboarding. You can really add a lot of flow and energy to your riding by mixing in very basic tricks into every transition. This week, I'll break down three of my favorite transitions from beginner to intermediate.
Transition One - Beginner
Half Loaded Melon to Toeside with a Downloop
This is a mouthful but it's super simple. You can do it hooked in or unhooked for extra style. Just get a bit of sp
1st Jul 2020
3 Tips for Better Kiteboard control
This is part two of the master your kite and board videos. Last week, I covered a new angle on how to control your kite with the edge of your board. I’m going to expand on this now, and help you really get control of your board and riding position.
Kiteboarding is funny because unlike other board sports we have a lot more going on with controlling the kite. The thing is, It seems like a lot of kiteboarders never learn how to ride a board properly and it actually holds back their pro
20th May 2020
3 Tips for Better Kite Control
Today, we’re going to do one of the most important videos we’ve ever done. 3 tips to master kite control. This is part one of two, I’m going to do a second video on advanced kiteboard skills to expand on this next. We're lucky to live in a time where all kites are really user friendly but it came at a cost. It seems like most new kiteboarders don’t know how to control their kite with their edge.
Riding in a boarding stance is important
In the early days of kiteboarding, riders had to
13th May 2020
Darkslide Kiteloop Transition
Today we are going to cover a Darkslide Kiteloop Transition. This is an advanced trick and is similar to the hand drag and the 360 video we did in this playlist. In the sense that you will be sending the kite from one side of the wind window to the other for lift and then looping the kite at the edge of the window followed by a second half loop to transition.
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Step One - Small Send & Pop
Come into this trick with a light pop and be subtle with sending the kite. You don’
12th May 2020
Learning the Back to Revert (Back to Toeside) Kiteboarding Trick
This is the last video in the fundamentals playlist for now. Soon, I’ll be filming an intermediate level playlist. This week, we're going to cover the Back to Revert or Back to Toeside. In kiteboarding, I’ve been pushing that all advanced moves are combinations of the basics and this is going to be your first combo. You'll be pairing a backroll with a frontside 180.This is the second progression into the Back to Wrapped or the Backmobe and its super fun to turn into a downloop transition.
13th Apr 2020
Pop to Blind & Landing Blind: Kiteboarding Tutorial - Unhooked
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Today we’re going to breakdown another fundamental move. The Pop to Blind or Landing Blind. This is a variation of the first two videos in this playlist. One of the most important skills to learn in freestyle or wakestyle kiteboarding is the blind landing. Landing blind makes anything you do look way better. The mistake most people make is thinking they need to learn this move powered. Something I’m pushing on our fundamentals playlist is all advanced kiteboarding tr
16th Mar 2020
360 Kiteloop Transition
Today we are going to cover a 360 Kiteloop Transition. This is an advanced trick and it builds on the 360 video we did in this playlist. This is an extremely fun kiteboarding transition and is not as scary as you might think. You simply pop into a light backroll with no inversion. Like a hand drag, the kite swings across the window to keep you aloft. You then pull a kiteloop-and-a-half on the edge of the window. This pulls you the other direction. Nail this one and you’ll turn some heads on an
9th Mar 2020
How to Frontroll Kitesurfing / Kiteboarding Tutorial - Unhooked
Today we're going to break down another must-have basic for progressing your unhooked riding: the front roll. Of all the basic moves, this might be the best looking and will give you the most bang for your buck as far as style. This is usually learned after the back roll and, while it's not difficult, it can be harder to learn if you don't have the right technique. Speaking of technique, there are two ways to initiate the front roll.
Two variations
While learning, I struggled to get this rig
2nd Mar 2020
How to Back Roll Kiteboarding - Ultimate Beginner Guide: Unhooked
Today we're going to break down a heelside back roll. This might be the most popular trick in kiteboarding. This is actually even easier than the raley. This will be your first roll in kiteboarding. It's going to open the door to many other more advanced tricks that begin with this rotation.
The back roll is often a misunderstood trick, not because it's overly difficult but because people often mistake it for a flip. While you can invert your back rolls into a flip, more often than not they l
17th Feb 2020
How To Trim Your Kiteboarding Kite For Big Air & Hangtime
With the Red Bull King of the Air competition having just wrapped up, we wanted to do a video on big air, specifically on how you can trim your kite to get more air and hangtime! This is an easy tip that will make a big difference in your kiteboarding. Rather than our normal ride with Blake blog, we decided to keep this one right to point. Enjoy!
Step One - Trim your Kite for Hangtime
The point of this is to trim your kite so that you can sheet the bar all the way in without the kit
6th Feb 2020
Easy 360 hand drag - Kiteboarding transition - Ride with Blake
Today we are going to go over how to do a 360 hand drag transition without a kiteloop. This is another fun and easy one that doesn't take much risk. A 360 spin is a back roll without any inversion. Dragging your hand through the water gives you more of a carving turn, whereas if you're standing tall it's more of a spin.
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28th Jan 2020
How to pop kiteboarding [Unhooked] -The ultimate guide
Welcome to our latest playlist: The Unhooking Fundamentals. With freestyle kiteboarding being so advanced these days, it can be overwhelming. Strangely, unhooked riding has a weird reputation. You see it all over in the magazines and in pro rider videos, yet on the local beach it has become far less common. Often people are worried that it's too intense or dangerous. In truth, unhooking is one of the most fun aspects of kiteboarding. If you learn to do it right, it's actually easy and jus
6th Jan 2020
Kiteboarding Transitions: Sent Crail Grab
Nuke or Crail? It has come to our attention that this particular grab is actually a Crail grab. In the video we call it a Nuke, however for the written steps, I'll be using the correct name. My apologies for any confusion. The Crail Grab is your backhand reaching across to the nose of the kite. The Nuke is technically when you take that a step further to your heelside edge. -Rygo Today we are going to go over how to do a Sent Crail grab. This is one of the more early intermediate leve
9th Dec 2019
Kiteboarding Transitions: Toeside Backflip
Today we are going to go over how to Toeside backflip transition. This is the second video in our intermediate to advanced transition playlist. Normally we focus on beginner and intermediate level tricks. Don't worry, we have some easier transitions lined up for this playlist. This trick is an interesting variation of the back roll. You're adding some style and difficulty by popping toeside and adding a jump transition into the kite movement.
We recommend you download t
25th Nov 2019