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Check out the all new WOO 3.0 session tracker
WOO 3.0 Snow Session Tracking
WOO isn't just for tracking your kiteboarding sessions, you can also use it while on the slopes with your Skis or Snowboard. Check out this great edit on how you can use your WOO 3.0 have fun with friends and post to your social networks. We will post all the Woo 3.0 release Videos here when they are released.
22nd Feb 2018
The Global Women’s Boost off Competition From WOO and KB4Girls
Haey, Laay-deeez!In the spirit of encouraging women kiteboarders to jump their absolute highest, WOO has initiated their “Global Women’s Boost Off”.Participation is easy—just log your WOO Kite sessions and be sure to use the new gender filter to weed out those pesky dudes. From June 1st through July 31st, WOO will be tracking women’s progress and look for those ladies who are jumping the highest and for those who have accumulated the most in total jump height.Sites and SocialCurrent women’s stan
23rd Jun 2017
Kiteboarding Video: Nick Jacobsen Wins Redbull's King of the Air
Congrats, Nick Jacobsen!
Cabrinha team rider and all-around goofball Nick Jacobsen has won the 2017 Red Bull King of the Air in Cape Town, South Africa. In the final, Jacobsen battled kiteboarding legends Aaron Hadlow and Ruben Lenten in front of the large crowd, coming out on top with his signature trick the "one footed boogie loop".
A terrifying, confounding trick where Nick jumps over thirty feet, whips his kite in a vertical loop whilst doing a full rotation himself, all this...on
16th Feb 2017