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2024 North Nova Pro Wing Review (and Vs. Mode Pro?)
It's Wing Wednesdays, and this week Jeff and Tucker have the North Nova Pro. They had a chance to ride it and have some insights to share on how it feels and how it's different from the Mode Pro and what's been upgraded from last year's version of the Nova. North is a brand that is known for quality materials and design, and the guys have high expectations.ShiftLock Handle/Boom SystemThe 2024 Nova Pro has the new ShiftLock System, which is a rail that you clamp your choice of handles or bo
16th May 2024
F-One Strike V2 vs. Duotone Unit V2 - An Icy Cage Match
Being a cooler than typical winter here in Michigan, I’ve been jonesing for a session far too long. Fresh new goodies were just sitting unused like a pile of visible regrets. After hunting for weeks for an opening in the ice, I was finally blessed with a pool which was large enough to ride in. Furthermore, the weather was actually nice at 40 deg air, 34 deg water, and sunshine.
I’ll have some more formal video reviews coming in the next few weeks but wanted to get the info out ASAP for those
24th Feb 2022
How To Knee Start a Small Volume Wing Board
With wingers getting more advanced, smaller boards are becoming more popular this year. Getting up on a small board can be tricky even if you are a skilled foiler. In this video we'll break down what a small board is, the technique involved and the conditions to learn.
What is a Small Wingfoil Board?
This comes down to the rider's weight. At 195 pounds, a 75 liter wingsurfing board is small for me; granted, once you get used to it, these become easier. Now I can get down to as low as 45
23rd Dec 2020
Wingsurfing Light Wind Pumping Techniques
Light wind windsurfing / wingfoiling can be challenging, to say the least. Like kitesurfing, it takes a great deal of time to develop the skill set. The biggest challenge in light wind foiling is simply getting up onto foil. A well-practiced wing pumping technique, paired with foil pumping skills, is going to make all the difference. For this quick tutorial, we're going to cover the skills needed to pump maximum power into your wing. Right now, I find that with these techniques I can add
30th Sep 2020
Cabrinha Crosswing X2 Review
We were able to get our hands on the
Cabrinha Crosswing X2 for testing this month. Right out of the gate, it's clear this is an upgrade from the first gen Cabrinha wing which, to be honest, was our least favorite. For the second generation, they have done their homework and made a great competitive wing.
The wing has a lot of power for its size. I had the chance to test this on a gusty inland lake with lulls of 14 and highs of 25. When pumping the wing, I found there was a lot of
21st Sep 2020