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Slingshot UFO Hydrofoiling Kite Review
Is it an airplane, jet, or weather balloon? To many conspiracists’ delight, what we are looking at is a real UFO. Rather than an “Unidentified Flying Object” that you would see at Area 51, we are looking at Slingshots strutless kite known as the “Unlimited Foiling Object.” This is Slingshot’s only strutless kite in their lineup, and one of the few strutless kites in the market today. Due to the fact that it is so light and completely dedicated to foiling, it has already become a favorite here a
11th Aug 2020
Relaunching a strutless kite - Slingshot UFO, Maui Cloud
Strut-less kites require some special techniques and finesse to re-launch. This quick walk through experience will help you explore some options for re-launch if you are struggling. As we have said before, we recommend playing with these kites in shallow water before embarking on any offshore routes so you can get comfortable and experienced with their re-launch.Malcolm Crennell, an experienced foiler passed his thoughts along to us and we thought it was well written and true e
17th Jul 2020