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Is the Cabrinha Switchblade a Big Air Kite?
The Cabrinha Switchblade has been around longer than most have been kiteboarding.
It went though a good deal of research and design up until about 2016. Built by legendary designer Pat Goodman, it's still one of the best kites out there, in my opinion.
The past 5 years have seen a huge change in the market. Riders demand lighter, faster kites aimed at big air. The thing is, for some, the
Switchblade is still an amazing choice. It's not the fastest kite—it's not the lightest kite. It is
7th Jun 2021
Switchblade Vs The Moto
In 2019 Cabrinha has two kites that both fit into the same category yet take different approaches to meet the same end. The long standing Cabrinha switchblade and the new three strut Moto.
You might be asking, why make two freeride kites and which one is better? With the Switchblades long standing history how doe the new Moto Stack up? This week, we’ll break down everything you need to know and do a back to back review. Let’s Dive into some common attributes between these kites.Wind Ran
14th Aug 2018
2019 Cabrinha Switchblade Review
Today, we’re going to review the 2019 cabrinha Switchblade.
2019 marks the 15th Year of Cabrinha's flagship kite. This is the kite we use to judge all others. Why? Aside from the fact that is one the most popular models we’ve ever carried, it’s the right kite for most kiteboarders. Be that new or experienced. In 2019 Cabrinha’s doing something different, and by different, I mean the switchblade remains unchanged this year. Shocking I know. But , after 14 years of refinement they've hit
14th Aug 2018
The Cabrinha Drifter vs The Switchblade - Versus w/ Rygo Ep 20
So if you’ve watched the last few videos, you might have caught Freeride Kites vs Freestyle Kites where we talked about how most kites that undergo years of development slowly get so well rounded that they cross over into all-around territory. The Cabrinha Drifter is one of those kites. While it is a surf specific kite, it is a great contender as an all-around freeride kite. It’s even decent at unhooking.
So the first thing to consider would be the most obvious, and that is where these kit
7th Mar 2018
Freeride vs Crossover Kiteboarding Kites: Versus w/Rygo Ep 18
Kiteboarding has come a long way since the early days. What was once an extreme sport is now only as intense as you’d like it to be. Whether you want to experience the freedom of sailing and exploring, you want to wakeboard without a boat. Maybe you want surf in any conditions or you want to get 40 feet of air and push the limits. Best of all it’s an all season, all terrain sport.
Basically, kiteboarding is freedom. It’s gravity, it’s your lift pass for life. All the hype aside, with the e
22nd Feb 2018
2017 Cabrinha Apollo Overview
MACkite chats about the all new 2017 Cabrinha Apollo kiteboarding kite.
The Apollo really address a concern for all of us concerning advancement in certain categories. Over the years Cabrinha has done a great job creating kites for every category imaginable. A few years ago Cabrinha included the Drifter and that’s pointed at someone who just wants to destroy the waves.
The Chaos is designed for that advanced, freestyle wakestyle rider. The FX is designed for that performance
freestyle, even
1st Aug 2016
Kiteboarding Video: Cabrinha's James Boulding - "The Golden Glow"
The Golden Glow
Never have I seen a video title so accurately represent its content as does Cabrinha's "The Golden Glow." The film is literally glowing, as though a sepia Instagram filter was poured over the shot. Viewers are transformed back to the 1920's film era, while Cabrinha rider James Boulding effortlessly floats through the air, over rolling waves and plastic freestyle features.
"What would you like to do if money were no object? Better to have a short life that is full of wha
25th May 2016
Get Techy With Cabrinha's Pat Goodman On The 2015 FX Kite
Are you absolutely enamored with Cabrinha's new 2015 FX kite? We are! Cabrinha has been producing dependable kiteboarding kites, boards, and accessories for almost fifteen years. They're constantly improving their products, focusing on making each rider's experience better with each new item. Their freestyle/crossover FX kite lessens the gap between their freestyle competition and high-performance, freeride kites. With the FX kite, you're going to see more support in the trailing edges as w
4th Mar 2015