Latest News, Blog & Videos
Taking Kiting Micro-Vacations to Regain Work/Life Balance
Three things that you can do today to reset and find happiness...
Why do we do adventure sports like snowboarding and skiing? I can
sum it up in one word. Freedom.
When we were kids, life was about three things: discovery,
creativity and play. Somehow, the older we got, the less we played,
the less we discovered, and the less we created. With so many
obligations from family, bills, and personal goals, it can be easy to get
overwhelmed. Along the way, we lose that passion and sense of
7th Feb 2017
Crew Thoughts From 2016 MRA On-Hill Snow Demo
What stood out the most to you this year, overall? Nate: I would say that the outstanding product was quite surprising to me. Nitro came up with a really solid deal - a no-compromise board/binding combo for $399. I took a bunch of laps on this setup and was very surprised with how well it handled a variety of conditions. Whether bombing groomers or taking park laps, the 2017 Nitro SFU is a solid combo for an insane price. RyGo: While I didn't get to ride this year as I was running a camera the
18th Feb 2016
Kiteboarding Video: Skyline Utah
Big Air Snowkiting - Skyline Utah
A short, but sweet video showing us the pleasures of snowkiting while we're sitting toasty in our offices. As the displaced reggae swarms our earbuds, we feel a presence of islands and paradise. But, when looking on the screen, we see a frozen wonderland (not to be confused with the movie, Frozen). That wonderland in itself is its own wonderland (not quite like floating teacups and Merry Unbirthdays, but close). Watch as Charlie Vogel films Peter Miller lau
18th Dec 2015
Red Bull's Streif Ski Trailer
Streif Trailer
If you're interested in the skiing world in any way, you'll obviously know about Streif. Streif can be considered one of the most dangerous downhill race courses in the world. With an average gradient of 27% and a maximum gradient of 85%, only the strong-willed and courageous brave this track. Red Bull shows us Streif in a new light, showing the passion behind every run, and the danger that can be seen along the way. This trailer has us pumped for the next skiing season, and
28th Oct 2015
3rd Annual Shredit Fest Features Riders at Mulligan’s Hollow
shrEdit Film Festival HighlightsA mountain of pizza, a copious amount of free swag, and videos highlighting some of West Michigan's most awesome shredders. We had an absolute blast for our 3rd annual shrEdit Film Fest! What is shrEdit?shrEdit is a film festival sponsored by MACkite Boardsports, Mulligan's Hollow, and our brands, including Rome, Never Summer ThirtyTwo, Switchback, Sandbox, and Airblaster. Shredders submit their videos either through Vimeo or YouTube and are judged by represe
22nd Mar 2015
Riding Wood Featuring Flow Snowboarding’s Arthur Pauli
Riding Wood Featuring Flow Snowboarding's Team Athlete Arthur Pauli While we may not want anymore snow in Michigan, Flow Snowboarding showcases (or should we say, "snowcases") some incredible talent on the white waves. While we're longing for the water to warm up, these guys and gal would love to keep it nice and cold all year long. Flow Snowboarding's Team Athlete Arthur Pauli shows us the passion and beauty of snowboarding. We love seeing tributes to one of the most incredible snow sports, a
22nd Mar 2015