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Airush's Latest Innovations | An Exclusive Interview with Sam Medysky
Jake Mitchell from MACkite is with Sam Medysky of Airush at the 2023 King of the Great Lakes Test Fest. Sam's been a name in the kiteboarding world for many years and has some insights into the Airush lineup and wind sports in general to share.
Jake: We've got the man, the myth, the legend, Sam with Airush here. Sam, how long have you been working with Airush?
Sam: I've been with Airush since 2017. I've been kiting since 1998, 25 years, and I've been coming to this event since 2004. I
28th Sep 2023
Sam Medysky Interview | Airush and the Early Days of Kiteboarding
Pat: This is Pat with and we're with Sam Medysky today. We're going to catch up and get a little bit of background about him.Sam: How's it going, guys?Pat: All right, Sam. So you grew up on Lake Huron, right? How was that growing up? I know you were influenced a lot by your dad being a windsurfer back in the day, so wind sports are kind of second nature to you.Sam: Yeah, when I was growing up my parents had a summer cottage on Lake Huron in Sauble Beach, so I'd spend my
15th Feb 2023
Jack Rieder - 2 Years Deep
With only two years into the sport, Jack Rieder is killing it!
Talk about a beautiful location to ride.
Wait, how long has this kid been riding?
Video Synopsis
Canadian Junior national champion Jack Rieder is a crowd favorite at the Squamish Spit
What's more impressive than his riding, is the amount of time he has ben practicing.
With only two years under his belt he has developed some serious skills.
22nd Nov 2016
Kiteboarding Video: Best Sessions Taiba
Best Sessions Taiba from Sam Medysky on Vimeo.Best Kiteboarding - Session in Taiba We love when team riders band together to create something awesome. Not only are they showing off their stuff, but they are kind enough to let others shine as well. Kiteboarding offers a special type of comradery that is only found in sunny, windy, and sandy conditions (sometimes snowy as well). Watch as Sam Medysky, Rita Arnaus, Hannah Whiteley, and Val Garat remind us that good times are ahead and that they
30th Mar 2016
30 minutes at the pond - Cape Town
Check out this short vid... Alex Pastor, Christophe Tack, Aaron Hadlow and Sam Medysky shredding a secret spot in Cape Town known as "The Pond". And they are all throwing down hammers. In fact check out the, well..., whatever it is at 1:30.
Check out their facebook pages below and give them all some love!
15th Jan 2015
NORTHERN FRESH with Sam Medysky and Noe Font
Check in with Sam Medysky and Noe Font as they spend 10 days, north of the border, in Sauble Beach, Canada. Cold weather, cold beers and flannel abound, eh! Best Kiteboarding: bestkiteboarding.comFilm and edit by Steven Borja:
5th Nov 2014
Sam Medysky & Noè Font "Random shots in Brazil"
Check out Sam Medysky and Noe Font, as they get their shred on in Brazil! Is it time to quit your day-job or what?! Email us at:, or call: (800) 622-4655. We'll do our Best to invoke the vagabond in you...
4th Aug 2014
Joint Ops - Brazil from NA BLEND!
Edit :
Check out the second installment of NA BLEND's JOINT OPS series featuring: Eric Rienstra, Craig Cunningham, Sam Medysky, and Brandon Scheid as they session in the Northeast of
11th Mar 2014