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Toeside to Heelside Transitions
Today we are going over toeside to heelside transitions. Before trying this, you should know how to ride toeside and make a transition.
Always remember to visualize a trick before trying it. Get these 5 easy steps in your head and see yourself doing it before going out and giving it a try!
Step One: Send Kite
Send the kite slowly across the wind window with the bar sheeted out, keep your hands in the middle of the bar.
Step Two: Follow the Kite
Twist with your shoulder and hips following
19th Oct 2020
How to Ride Toeside kitesurfing
Step One - Park your Kite
Park the kite around a 45 degree angle. This applies whether you are going to your right or left. Keep the kite stable partially sheeted out. Park it high but not too high. If the kite is near noon, It will pull you off your edge.
Step Two - Edge and Twist
Twist into the wind so that your chest is facing upwind. While doing this, engage your heel edge and shift your feet so that your toeside edge is now digging in. As you twist you should naturally feel the need
14th Oct 2020
Kitesurfing Lesson: How to Body Drag - Lesson Four
This week we'll be breaking down your first time in the water with a powerkite!
Step One - Body Drag Downwind
This is a fun and easy step. You'll be in the water without a board and letting the kite simply pull you downwind. Move the kite back and forth across the wind window. This is going to give you a good understanding of kite control in the water and get you used to the pull of the kite.
Start to incorporate a figure 8 motion with your kite. These will generate more pull and simulat
12th Aug 2020
Kitesurfing: Getting Started - Ride with Blake
This is the first blog of the ultimate beginner guide. This is a series meant to be used as a companion to actual kitesurfing lessons. So give this a watch before, during and after your lesson with a certified school. Do not attempt to use this as your sole source of lessons. We've left a great deal out and nothing beats real professional instruction. You will save yourself time, and most importantly you'll be keeping yourself safe and the local beaches in your area open to kiteboarding!
12th Aug 2020
Butterslide Kiteloop Transition
Today we are going to go over how to do a toeside butterslide kiteloop transition. This trick is a fun and easy one that doesn’t take much risk. A
butter slide is when you weight the back of your board as you ride through the water. It’s done by hopping off of your heelside edge, spinning to toeside and weighing the nose of your board. This works best in flat water so that you can hold a steady edge. It’s natural to spin this around into toeside and then you are ready to make a carving
28th May 2020
Darkslide Kiteloop Transition
Today we are going to cover a Darkslide Kiteloop Transition. This is an advanced trick and is similar to the hand drag and the 360 video we did in this playlist. In the sense that you will be sending the kite from one side of the wind window to the other for lift and then looping the kite at the edge of the window followed by a second half loop to transition.
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Step One - Small Send & Pop
Come into this trick with a light pop and be subtle with sending the kite. You don’
12th May 2020
360 Kiteloop Transition
Today we are going to cover a 360 Kiteloop Transition. This is an advanced trick and it builds on the 360 video we did in this playlist. This is an extremely fun kiteboarding transition and is not as scary as you might think. You simply pop into a light backroll with no inversion. Like a hand drag, the kite swings across the window to keep you aloft. You then pull a kiteloop-and-a-half on the edge of the window. This pulls you the other direction. Nail this one and you’ll turn some heads on an
9th Mar 2020
Easy 360 hand drag - Kiteboarding transition - Ride with Blake
Today we are going to go over how to do a 360 hand drag transition without a kiteloop. This is another fun and easy one that doesn't take much risk. A 360 spin is a back roll without any inversion. Dragging your hand through the water gives you more of a carving turn, whereas if you're standing tall it's more of a spin.
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28th Jan 2020
Kiteboarding Transitions: Sent Crail Grab
Nuke or Crail? It has come to our attention that this particular grab is actually a Crail grab. In the video we call it a Nuke, however for the written steps, I'll be using the correct name. My apologies for any confusion. The Crail Grab is your backhand reaching across to the nose of the kite. The Nuke is technically when you take that a step further to your heelside edge. -Rygo Today we are going to go over how to do a Sent Crail grab. This is one of the more early intermediate leve
9th Dec 2019
Kiteloop Front Roll: Ride with Blake
Today we are going to go over how to do a Kiteloop Front Roll.
This trick is a fun one. People call it a front roll kiteloop and Ruben Lenten coined this trick as a Boogie loop. I would call a massive mega loop front roll a boogie and an average one a front roll kiteloop. It doesn’t really matter what it’s called because it’s the same thing so call it what you like. This trick feels strange at first because you and the kite are rotating in opposite directions. However once you get used t
17th Jun 2019
Kiteloops how to Heli Loop - Ride With Blake
Today we are going to go over how to do a heli loop.
This is a really great addition to any trick because it maximizes the wind window and allows for you to catch yourself on the way down. Heli loops are used as a tool for soft and smooth landings after a jump. A heli loop is a short loop at the top of the wind window, but is different than a kiteloop because it has no power. Heli loops are pulled after you reach the peak of your jump and, as you are descending, it catches you.
A heli l
5th Jun 2019
Kiteloop Back Roll - Ride with Blake
Today we're covering one of the most sought-after tricks in kiteboarding: the backroll kiteloop, also known as the F-16. This doesn’t have to be a scary trick. Actually, most people accidentally do backroll kiteloops as they are learning their first backrolls because it is natural to pull in on your back hand as you throw the rotation.
The only thing that makes this trick scary is when you don’t know what you are doing and it gets out of control. If you can follow these simple
20th May 2019
Down Loop Front Roll Transition - Ride with Blake
Today Rygo and I are going to be covering a very important topic, one that will change the way you transition forever. The reason downloops are so cool is because they're basically a shortcut to more powered transitions, used for riding waves, carving turns and riding in light winds. Make sure to do this while slightly under-powered to minimize risk of injury.
This is one of our more advanced videos. The good news is that we have three tutorials you should master before attempting this trick
2nd May 2019
How to Kiteloop: Down Loop Landings - Ride with Blake
Down Loops are the first step in learning kiteloops.
Today we are going to be going over how to land with a downloop. A downloop is different from a heli loop because they are more of a transitional loop used at the end of a jump, trick or transition. A heli loop will catch you softly, whereas a downloop will help, but more so pull you into the other direction. You may land hot, but it won’t be the same amount of pull as a kiteloop, Make sure always to land with your board pointed downwin
22nd Apr 2019
How to do an unhooked raley
The Raley
Level: Basics
Difficulty: 2 of 10
Today we’re going to break down the raley. This is usually the first trick aspiring freestyle or wakestyle riders learn. It’s a must if you hope to progress into any other air tricks as they all stem from this basic maneuver. Best of all, it’s a lot easier than you think. While not overly difficult, the raley is at the heart of most freestyle tricks. Loads of tricks start with the raley and incorporate rolls or spins.
For example, a Blind Judge 3
17th Apr 2019