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Ride with Blake | Mistral Sessions and Updates from Sardinia, Italy
Blake from MACkite here! My apologies for the lack of updates over the past few months. I've been dealing with some injuries and recovering from a torn ACL meniscus. I've been traveling all over, and then I ripped my nose off after passing out from exhaustion and traveling too much, so I'm excited to get back to it!I'm in Sardinia, Italy, and I'm about to go for a Mistral heavy wind wing foil session with my friends Gregor from Holland and Chiara from Italy. I'm heading to the beach to meet up w
7th Sep 2023
Ride with Blake: Cole Buller comes to Key West!
What's up guys? This is Blake from MACkite here in Key West, Florida with Cole from MACkite. He just got in today and he's going to get out kiting. I can't with my torn ACL, so he's going to go do the kiting for me and we'll teach him some tricks!Cole Gets His Groove Back
Cole: This morning, I was in Michigan and I had no idea I'd be kiting today, but here we are! Blake was nice enough to let me use his stuff, and now I'm getting a little session here in Key West. I don't know what else I
17th May 2023
Kiteboarding: Essential Tips For Your Backroll Progression
Hey, what's up guys? Blake from MACkiteboarding here, and today we're learning a super fun trick, which is the backroll. This is a game-changer once you can ride upwind and have your jumps down. This is the next step, where you're doing a sort of back flip. From there the possibilities are endless, so I'm really excited to teach you this.Step One: Kite PositionThe first step in a backroll is understanding the kite's position as you're going into it. There are many ways you can do a backrol
17th May 2023
28 Fun Tricks for Beginner and Intermediate Kiteboarders
Today we have a 28 trick list, from beginner to intermediate, so you can get an idea in your head of different things to go out and try in your next session, and just go have fun. Enjoy!
Jumping Beach StartStraight AirJump with GrabHeelside to Toeside PopToeside to Heelside PopButterslideDownloop TransitionOne-footed StartSent BackrollSent Backroll with GrabPowered BackrollPowered Backroll to Toeside with GrabPowered FrontrollPowered Frontroll with GrabSent FrontrollSent Frontroll with Gra
17th May 2023
Kiteboarding, Surviving, and Picking Up After Hurricanes Fiona and Ian
What's up guys? Blake from MACkite here, and today I'm going tell you about my experiences in two recent hurricanes, Ian and Fiona, that came through the U.S and the Caribbean and up into Canada: riding in them, going through them, and the aftermath of what happened. My heart goes out to everyone that lost anything. I'm thinking of you all and hope you're hanging in there. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.Riding in Hurricane FionaSo here's the story of two hurricanes, a gir
10th May 2023
Kitesurfing Lesson: 5 Tips to Ride Upwind
This is Blake from MACkite here with 5 tips to help you ride upwind.Tip 1 - Twist Your Body UpwindTwist your shoulders and lean back over your back foot. This weights your back foot rather than both of your knees. This lets you get a stronger and harder edge.Twist and lean back, looking upwind. Twist with your shoulders and your hips, with your feet, and even point your toes upwind, and all of those little things together will make it so much easier for you. If you instead close your should
9th May 2023
The Most Important Part of Kiteboarding: How to Fall
Blake from MACkite here. It's good to be back! I'm recovering from a torn ACL surgery, and just being able to walk is so incredible. So I figured... why not teach you one of the most important things in kiteboarding, which in my opinion is how to fall.Get StrongI have a lot of experience in falling; I've been injured a lot. Throughout the years of teaching myself how to kiteboard and do all of my own tricks, I have had to learn how to fall through trial and error. Now I've got it down to wh
3rd May 2023
Ride With Blake - Checking In From the British Virgin Islands
Aaron: Hey guys, welcome back. We are live on the island with Blake. Blake, where are you at buddy? What are you up to today?
Blake: It's been a busy day. I'm in the BVI right now on Moskito Island, which is one of Sir Richard Branson's islands. Behind me is Necker Island, where he lives. He just got in today, actually. It's incredible here; he's got quite a quite a thing going on.
Aaron: So what have you been up to? I understand there's some confidential things that you can't disclo
9th Mar 2023
Snowkiting With Blake - Exploring the Blizzard Aftermath in Upstate New York
Blake from MACkite here on my way to Buffalo, which does not seem like the best idea. I had already planned it and had my whole trip booked, and then there's this catastrophic blizzard of the century that just hit. My heart goes out to everyone that had to go through that over there at Christmas break, and all the lives lost. So, so sad and tragic. I can't imagine having something like that happen over the holidays.
I was going to go home to Key West, but I got this great opportunity to
28th Feb 2023
Kiting Antigua's Olympic Foil Racer Tiger Tyson at Half Moon Bay
Hey, what's up guys? Blake from MACkite here, headed to Half Moon Bay in Antigua to go link up with Tiger Tyson, an amazing guy. He's a young 20-year-old Olympic athlete. He's training to go to the Worlds, and we're going to go kite together and have some fun at his house in his backyard at Half Moon Bay.
I'm here at Half Moon Bay in Antigua with Tiger and his dad. They're out there right now. His dad's towing him behind him on a foil and having a good time, so I'm going to go out
21st Feb 2023
Get Ready To Ride! Learn The Essential Steps For a Smooth Kiteboarding Water Start
This blog post provides an in-depth look at the five key steps necessary to learn how to water start when kiteboarding or kitesurfing. The first step is to get comfortable with the kite, learning how to launch and land it, as well as understanding its wind window. The second step involves compressing your body into a smaller package, which involves using the power of the kite to pull you through the water and upwind. Step three is getting onto the board, where you will need to carefully balan
29th Dec 2022
Kiteboarding: How to Stick That Board-Off Beach Landing
Hey, what's up guys? Blake from MACkite here, and today we're going to learn a really fun trick: a board-off beach landing.
Step number one for this trick is to simply loosen your feet in the straps.
You don't want your feet to be tight in the straps because you want to be able to take it off. If you come into the beach and you're jumping and your feet get stuck in the straps, you're going to land on the beach with your board on, which then causes more issues, and that's not
8th Sep 2022
Easy Kiteboarding Beach Start - RIDE with Blake
Hey, what's up guys? Blake from MACkite here. I've been pretty busy traveling the past few months, taking a little break, but it's good to be back and making some tutorial videos. I've got a really fun trick for you today, the beach start, and I'm excited to go over it.
This is a really fun trick because, instead of having to do your traditional "flying the kite, holding the board, walking into the water, putting it on your feet, and then sinking in", you can start right off the beach wi
27th Jun 2022
Blake Is Back With a New Perspective on Kiteboarding
Blake is back in the saddle and ready to continue bringing the stoke and knowledge. He’s had some ups and downs over the past year or so. But you know this kid is tough!Click HERE to follow along on our “Ride With Blake” series on YouTube.
3rd Nov 2021
How to Jump kitesurfing Ride with Blake
In this video, we break down the five fundamental steps to jumping. Whether it's your first time jumping or you already know what you're doing, these steps will help you jump the right way without having too many falls.
I remember learning to jump for the first couple of years and rarely having a consistent landing. Now that I know how to land most of my jumps, here's the easiest way I could think to break it down!
Step one: Send the kite with the bar sheeted out.
Sending the kite with the
18th Nov 2020