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2019 Cabrinha Moto Kite Review
Rider: Steve
Age: 56
Weight: 215
Winds: 17-20 mph - flat water
Setup: 14 meter Moto with Fireball, 141
Ace with new H2O straps
My first ride on the
Moto was way back in June in light winds on a big board at the Cabrinha dealer meeting. The kite turned nicely and was a decent ride, but I spent my time trying to ride upwind. Not a great test, all in all.
I got my first nicely powered session yesterday and was super happy with the overall ride. I normally ride a
Switchblade or D
4th Oct 2018
2019 Drifter Review
Last year, the Drifter became one of our most popular kites. Not only for kiteboarders who love to ride the waves but for advanced riders looking for a more reactive kite.
The Drifter came on the scene a few years back and didn’t change to much over the years. In 2018 we saw noticeable improvements and in 2019 the kite remains unchanged from 2018.This year we’ll be giving an in depth review behind this popular wave kite.The Drifter is a dedicated wave kite that somehow caught t
26th Aug 2018
Foilboarding: Small boards Vs Large Boards
We’ve been riding a bunch of different styles behind the boat, so we’re going to get a bit boat-focused on this episode of Foil Fridays because we’ve been getting a lot of questions like, “what board is right for me?”/ “which size is right for me?” and we’re going to help you break down the two distinct categories.
It’s easiest to separate them into a “big board” vs. a “small board” and what that means for you and your riding experience behind the boat, so stay tuned and we’ll get you di
23rd Aug 2018
Switchblade Vs The Moto
In 2019 Cabrinha has two kites that both fit into the same category yet take different approaches to meet the same end. The long standing Cabrinha switchblade and the new three strut Moto.
You might be asking, why make two freeride kites and which one is better? With the Switchblades long standing history how doe the new Moto Stack up? This week, we’ll break down everything you need to know and do a back to back review. Let’s Dive into some common attributes between these kites.Wind Ran
14th Aug 2018
2019 Cabrinha Contra Review
While the contra is a dedicated light wind kite, It’s also a versatile all around kite in general. To get some bias out of the way, This has been my go to lightwind kite for 3 years in a row. You’ll never catch me without one in my trunk.
This is largely in part to that fact that not only is it an excellent light wind kite but its all around characteristics appeal to me. Some lightwind kites might jump a bit higher or have more power and loft yet the Contra seems to hit the spot when it co
14th Aug 2018
2019 Cabrinha Moto Review
Heads up, This video is to help clarify where the Moto stands in the Cabrinha line up. As the season progresses, we'll be updating our review with more insights. The last couple years, it seems that many kiteboarders are looking for something different. Something a more advanced rider can enjoy. Many turned to Freestyle kites like the FX or surf kites like the Drifter. The problem is, not everyone wants to ride a freestyle kite or a surf kite. The Moto is designed for riders who might love thei
14th Aug 2018
2019 Cabrinha Moto Vs the FX
At first glance, the Moto and the FX might look comparable. They both have three struts. They offer an alternative to riders who want to upgrade their original quiver. And intermediate riders have been gravitating to three strut kites in droves. All that said, these kites are significantly different and they each have attributes that make a big difference on the wate
Wind Range
The Moto and the FX both like to be flown on the higher end of their respective range but are similar. You will
14th Aug 2018
2019 Cabrinha Switchblade Review
Today, we’re going to review the 2019 cabrinha Switchblade.
2019 marks the 15th Year of Cabrinha's flagship kite. This is the kite we use to judge all others. Why? Aside from the fact that is one the most popular models we’ve ever carried, it’s the right kite for most kiteboarders. Be that new or experienced. In 2019 Cabrinha’s doing something different, and by different, I mean the switchblade remains unchanged this year. Shocking I know. But , after 14 years of refinement they've hit
14th Aug 2018
2019 Cabrinha FX Review
The FX, has only been around for a few years, yet in that time, it’s dominated the crossover freestyle category. So much so, Cabrinha has discontinued the Chaos. Making the FX their premier freestyle kite. While the FX has carved it’s place as one of our favorite freestyle kites, it may or may not be the right kite for you. In 2019, the FX remains for the most part, unchanged from the 2018. Rather than update you on the new features we’l be doing an in depth review of this years kite.If you are
14th Aug 2018
The 2019 Cabrinha Moto - Sessions W/Rygo Vlog 04
If you've followed our chanel for a while, you know that I also do a series called Versus. For the last year, I've really put in the work testing gear and focusing on creating the most detailed object kiteboarding reviews on youtube.
This takes quite a bit of time and energy to get these right, all that said, with every review it gets easier. When testing the Moto, I realized that all the hard work was worth it. While riding the kite, my mind was racing with the applications and pote
14th Aug 2018
2019 Slingshot Hydrofoil Wings - Measurements and Practical Uses
Let's Chat: 2019 Slingshot Hydrofoil Wings
2019 is an exciting year for hydro-foiling. The variety and abundance of choices in the current market are sure to have a product for every circumstance and budget. However, that also means that the dizzying confusion of product names, measurements, and uses makes choosing one a confounding affair. Slingshot, for instance, has two foil platforms for 2019 with a combined 10 wing choices.Hover Glide Wings
The least expensive of the platforms is the Hov
6th Jul 2018
Mystic Majestic X Vs Ride Engine Harnesses
When it comes to kiteboarding Harnesses Ride Engine really shook things up when the came out with their first hard shell harness. It wasn't long before every brand had some form of hard shell or another. There really are a lot of
great options out there but currently there are two favorites among the staff here at MACkite.
Classic Ride Engine, and the Mystic Majestic X. We're divided pretty evenly here and rightly so as there is no right answer here. When it co
6th Jun 2018
The Best Kites for Learning Freestyle - Sessions w/ Rygo Vlog 02
The Best Kites for Learning Freestyle
Hey guys! As I promised I'm going to write about my current three favorite kites for learning freestyle. Now, just because I favor these kites doesn't mean there aren't a lot of other great kites that offer similar benefits. I’m going to write about these as well.
As I said, these are the best kites for learning freestyle. I know some of you are going to start shouting about C-kites and I’ve addressed this before. Check out my video on the topic.
30th May 2018
2018 North Evo Vs the 2017
We’ve had a lot of requests for a solid review on the 2018 North Evo and how it compares to the 2017. I can’t say I’m surprised there is very little content beyond the basic brand notes on the 2018 Evo. I’ve been really curious to compare these two kites myself, but it definitely took me some time, to say the least!
The reality is that this kite has become a completely different animal designed to meet the same end, yet with a new approach. It’s rare for a kite to undergo this much redesig
16th May 2018
Board Report: 2018 North Pro Whip CSC
OK, I’ve officially found my favorite kite-surfboard of all time, and it only took me 18 years. Ha!Nah—seriously though, you’ve got to have a look at the NEW 2018 North Pro Whip CSC. This little blaster will have you grinning from ear to ear the first time out. I’ve spent a bit of time on the North Nugget and the North WAM, but the Pro Whip is my jam!The first thing you’ll notice is how light the board is. North utilized bamboo and carbon in this board and it really shows. The next thing yo
11th May 2018