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North Kiteboarding Academy / Relaunching a 4-Line Kite
Beginner Kiteboarding Lesson: Relaunch a 4-Line Kite
Learn how to relaunch your kite in shallow water first, as this will make it easy when you're swimming in deeper waters.
When your kite drops into the water, let go of the bar, untwist the lines, and check that your bar is the correct way around by using the color code. Now you're ready to relaunch. Pull gently on the floater to initiate the kites movement to the edge of the wind window.
Once the kite is there, grab the bar and pull on
11th Jul 2017
North Kiteboarding Academy / How to Relaunch a 5-Line Kite
Beginner Kiteboarding Lesson: Relaunching Your 5th Line Kite
The 5th-line makes it easy to relaunch your kite, especially in low wind, when it is relied on to get your kite into the air.
If you lose hold of your bar when riding unhooked, hold on your safety line and hook back into your chicken loop. Now pull the fifth line until the kite starts to flip over. Before it flips completely, grab the bar floater on the upper side and pull it towards you. As you do this, the kite will start to m
11th Jul 2017
North Kiteboarding Academy / How to Relaunch a 4-Line Kite
Beginner Kiteboarding Lesson: Crash and Relaunch Your Kite
In critical situations, it can be necessary to use the quick release on your kite.
In doing so, your kite will remain connected to your harness via one line, and most of the kite’s power will be lost.
To open the release, let go of the bar and push the quick-release mechanism away from you. In doing so, your kite will fall into the water and waiver in the wind. Once you're ready, you'll need to prepare your gear for relaunch. Hold the
11th Jul 2017
North Kiteboarding Academy / How to Land a Kite
Learn how to land your kite in shallow water, with lots of free space around you.
When you're ready to land your kite, be sure to signal clearly to your helper that you want to land the kite by tapping the top of your head with a flat hand.
Once the helper is ready, slowly lower your kite down along the edge of the wind window, using your top hand only to steer the kite. The lower hand should be free. Slow down the kite's descent by gently pulling on the top hand.
Once it's w
11th Jul 2017
North Kiteboarding Academy / How to Launch a Kite
Beginner Kiteboarding Lesson: Launch Your KiteLearn how to launch your kite in shallow water, with lots of free space around you.The correct launching procedure is your first step to safe kiteboarding. Before launching, check that your bar lines and kite or all in order. Then check that you have enough space above and around you. Once your helper is holding the kite in the correct position, at the edge of the window, you can walk up wind to increase the pressure in the lines. With
11th Jul 2017