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Audi Takes Skiing to New (Grassy) Heights
Extreme "Dry" Skiing With Audi
Winter is coming...or is it? The "mitten state" is experiencing some seriously weird weather. With temperature jumps between 30- and 60-degrees (Fahrenheit), no snow, and no frozen lakes, we find ourselves in a weird in-between area of recreation. Too cold to kite, yet too warm and no snow to enjoy skiing and snowboarding. Sure, we could go out for a hike, but...what fun is that? (Just kidding, hiking is pretty fun. You know, walking and whatnot.) Audi has cha
9th Dec 2015
Red Bull's Streif Ski Trailer
Streif Trailer
If you're interested in the skiing world in any way, you'll obviously know about Streif. Streif can be considered one of the most dangerous downhill race courses in the world. With an average gradient of 27% and a maximum gradient of 85%, only the strong-willed and courageous brave this track. Red Bull shows us Streif in a new light, showing the passion behind every run, and the danger that can be seen along the way. This trailer has us pumped for the next skiing season, and
28th Oct 2015