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Kiteboarding RV Trip: Sessions w/Rygo Vlog 5
Kiteboarding West Michigan & Northern Michigan
I hope you enjoyed this episode of sessions. This Rv trip was an absolute Blast! Blake and I have been talking about doing a “Ride with Blake” Road trip for two years now and it was more fun than we could have imagined. No doubt we’ll be doing a longer trip next spring working on a fresh playlist!
Like most of our sessions videos, we’ll be doing some gear talk on this episode. Normally we focus on our featured riders gear picks however,
27th Nov 2018
Armada Presents SNOWCITIES - Episode 1: Michigan
SNOWCITIES - Episode 1: Michigan
Snow has officially hit in Michigan, and it looks like it's here to stay. While some people may be building up their blanket and hot cocoa inventory, others are out testing the slopes and feeling the winter breeze hit like an icy ton of bricks. While Michigan is not always the first place skiers think of when they imagine beautiful slopes, there is plenty to be seen and conquered in the Michigan cities. Mike Hornbeck, an Allegan native, shows that everyone can
23rd Nov 2015
Summer Memories With RyGo
Summer Memories With RyGoUpdate about September - Pumpkin Spice Latte is now available! While one of us (read: me) is excited for this season, all of us around the shop are rather nostalgic of the summer days gone away. RyGo's summer was one of trying new things, enjoying MACkite as a full time employee, and experiencing cable riding. Read through as he reflects on his Michigan Summer.RyGo's Michigan Summer"This was my first summer as a full timer at MACkite. I have been instructing here for the
11th Sep 2015