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Let's Chat w/ Ryan H: To Foil or Not to Foil?
Ryan H on FoilboardingI’ll admit it, when foils first came out I was one of the first people to badmouth them wondering why anyone would want to foil, saying it looks super boring and that very few people would get into it. Fast forward 4 years later and most my summer sessions are being had on a foil.So what changed? Well, like most kiters out there, I want to ride anything once or twice. Even though I was talking down the latest board to ride I still was planning on trying it once or twice. It
1st Aug 2017
The "New Foil Guy"—Session 1
Conquering the First Foil Session1st Session / May 16th, 2017I’m not an early adopter for many new things, except for kiteboarding. When kite foilboarding first hit the market, I was pretty neutral about it. Didn’t hate the idea—didn’t like the idea. It just was. This morning, I had my first session on a foilboard, and wow—I had no idea how much fun I was missing.Winds were around 15 mph, which was plenty for a North Neo 12m to haul my 190 lbs around on a foil. At one of our local bea
16th May 2017
Aaron's Foilboarding Adventures
Aaron's Journey Being the "New Foil-Guy"April 20th, 2017Sitting on the sidelines watching everybody else having all the fun is NOT fun. No matter what it’s about. Those goofy guys with their kite foiling boards. Who do they think they are, out there having all of the fun? I’m over it—can’t watch one second longer. I’m diving in now!Committing to learning something new can be challenging. Plus, no relatively experienced kiteboarder or kitesurfer wants to revisit the days when they were first lear
21st Apr 2017
Let's Chat: MACkite Foil Showdown
MACkite Foil Showdown: Who Wins?If 2016 was the year of the foil (according to the ancient kiteboarder zodiac calendar), then 2017 is the year of foil refinement. Hydrofoils are being ridden for more than simply racing, and are now accessible for most riders. For goodness sake, Kai Lenny is ridding them without a tow-in on waves. What was once a simple choice has now become far more convoluted. However, with more options comes the opportunity to get something that better fits your riding st
27th Jan 2017