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Cheers to Pat - Thanks for All the Sessions
After bringing the MACkite crew and customers the boardsports stoke for 10 years, Pat is moving on join the North/Mystic team. Thanks for everything, Pat, and cheers to your new adventure! Check out the video to see just some of the reasons we love Pat! He'll put a smile on your face just like he has ours.
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12th Feb 2024
Kiteboarding Through Ice Chunks | Lake Michigan in January
Don't try this at home, kids! Pat and DC brave the frigid Lake Michigan water to ride among floating chunks of ice. ...Wait. You can do that?
Well, sort of. It's a bit of a trick to get in and out past the densely-packed area of iceballs near the ice shelf, and both guys take a refreshing dip. Once out a bit further, it becomes a thrilling game of dodge-the-asteroids. Hey, no fair jumping over them!
Would we recommend trying this adventure? Pat readily admits this is one of his dumbe
29th Jan 2024
Kiteboarding and Wing Foiling - NEW Gear for 2023 at AWSI
This is Ryan, Jeff and Cado with MACkite, and we're checking out all the latest and greatest gear for the upcoming season at AWSI in Hood River. As always, if you've got any questions, give us a call at the shop. We'd love to talk to you about the gear.Ben, Duotone and Boards and MoreThe Neo D/Lab is a very anticipated kite. It is the D/Lab material, which is the Aluula leading edge. The newest innovation in it is that we have a different flex strut pattern for each size of the kite. The bi
17th May 2023
Unboxing the "Walmart Wing" - Pt 1
Tucker and Jeff Buy a Wing On Walmart Marketplace - Part 1Hey everybody, welcome back to MACkiteboarding Wing Wednesdays. Today we have a real fun one for you. We found what is probably one of the cheapest wings, not considering closeout prices. It's a wing that we bought from a Marketplace seller. I think they actually get it from Alibaba or something like that. It's some random Chinese knockoff sort of thing, but we figured we'd buy it, test it, review it, and give you guys t
24th Jan 2023
The "Walmart Wing" On-Water Test, Here's What Happened - Pt 2
Tucker and Jeff Buy a Wing On Walmart Marketplace - Part 2 All right, here we are at the beach. This is Jeff at MACkite. It's not the nicest day in the world as it's raining, but it's January 17th, if you can believe that. So we'll take it here in Michigan. We've got a little breeze. It's a little light, but I'm going to try out the Walmart wing. This is Part 2.
Surprisingly, it looks like the wing does have a little coating on it because the rain is beading up on it. It's blowi
24th Jan 2023
Dustin and Jake headed out to our local beach to do some eFoiling and yes, there was still ice in the water.
Icebergs + eFoiling = eBergin'
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12th Apr 2022
MACkite x Mystic: Product Collab
We're super excited to kick off the spring season with a brand new product from Mystic, and one that in our opinion comes not a moment too soon.
In response to the recent inflationary challenges that many consumers are experiencing, the new Mystic Travel Bag +1 is the perfect solution to still take that epic spring break trip with your mates while minimizing the impact on your wallet.
Designed to fit all of your favorite kite and foil gear plus one person, this new bag allows you to s
1st Apr 2022
Shenanigans With MACkite: Jake M & His Commuting Adventures
Commuting To Work... In Style w/ Jake M With weekend temperatures in the mid-50s doing away with most of the snow, the staff has been finding alternative ways to commute to work. Jake M breaks down how he's been getting to work the past week.Running Living 2.3 miles away from work, a brisk morning run is a great way to start the day. The big downside - arriving to work drenched in sweat. (We think it's time to invest in some MACkite shower systems.)Biking / Unicycling I broke down and bought a 3
24th Feb 2016
Riding To The Beach In Style With Tucker
Our Favorite Kite-Mobiles Here at MACkite we are used to talking shop about kiteboarding, paddleboarding, e-transport, snowboarding, and skiing. We are the experts after all. ;) However, there is another often overlooked subject that is common to conversations here. We do not sell it and we are certainly not the experts. The subject is how we get to the beach, our kite-mobiles if you will. From chartered yacht to skateboard, it seems that everyone has their own idea about what is the ultim
5th Feb 2016