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Check out the all new WOO 3.0 session tracker
WOO 3.0 Snow Session Tracking
WOO isn't just for tracking your kiteboarding sessions, you can also use it while on the slopes with your Skis or Snowboard. Check out this great edit on how you can use your WOO 3.0 have fun with friends and post to your social networks. We will post all the Woo 3.0 release Videos here when they are released.
22nd Feb 2018
MACkite Rides: Ending the Week With the 2016 Best Roca & Friends
2016 Best Red Bar & Roca Session
What’s a good way to end the week? Kiteboarding with friends with the winds in the upper twenties all while riding new gear and loving every minute of it. After burning out a long week at the shop bouncing between customer support, sales, marketing, and the shop handy man, a session was pretty high on my list of wants before the end of the week. It just so happened the NE wind forecasted shifted to a NW and the race was on.
With wind in the mid to upper 20
18th Jun 2016
Let's Chat: Jake V Reviews 2016 Best Roca
So I have been asked by several of our staff, “Why the Roca?” Well, it is basically quite simple. I have flown the Best TS 17 almost exclusively for the past 3 years and while I liked, more like loved, the 17 TS, I was always riding the 12m on the wakestyle setting to slow the kite down. The Roca was said to be a little slower and more stable. And since I am really just a freerider who rides to relieve stress and be on the water with friends rather than trying to throw down handle passes and po
1st Apr 2016
Rygo’s Impressions of the 2016 Best Roca on a Frigid Spring Day
Also check out Jake V's take on switching to the new 2016 RocaRider Weight:179lbsWind Speed: 16-17mphBoard: 144 Cabrinha Custom CBL with RAD BindingsIt was a cold 40-degree morning, with the water ranking in at a not-so-balmy 30 degrees. Not exactly what comes to mind when you think of a quality session. Of course, this is a reality for most of us during the winter months. A quick session before work, in frigid water. Whatever it takes to get it in, right? The first thing that struck me was
28th Mar 2016