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Duotone Team Riders Boost to the Top in Red Bull King of the Air 2024
With Andrea Principi back on the water to defend his crown and the first-ever Women's Division being added to the event, the 2024 Red Bull King of the Air in Cape Town was one for the history books. A crowd of 7,000 lined the beach, with thousands more joining the livestream to watch the event unfold.
Day 1 brought light morning conditions, but that all changed in the afternoon. Epic wind ushered the competitors onto the water, where they displayed some incredible tricks. In a bid for a bac
18th Dec 2024
F-ONE's Maxime Chabloz Scores 2024 Kite Freestyle World Champion Title
The third and final stop of the GKA Freestyle Kite World Cup tour in 2024 could hardly have been more exciting. Maxime Chabloz from Switzerland was leading the rankings, but not by much and faced stiff competition from the other board leaders. Adding to the uncertainty was a less-than-perfect wind forecast for the normally reliably steady spot.
The finals were held at Fuwairit Kite Beach on a lagoon that opens to the Arabian Sea in Qatar. Typical conditions offer mirror-flat waters an
16th Dec 2024
Ethics: The F-One x Manera approach to Sustainability
Sustainability is a word we're starting to hear from more brands lately, and at MACkite, we couldn't be happier about it! We work and play in the environment, so taking good care of it is a priority. We've made our own baby steps at the shop, from our solar panels on the roof to staff members who drive electric vehicles, and one who even moved closer just to be able to walk in.F-One and Manera are the latest guests to the sustainability party. What have they done to make a positive impact on the
13th Nov 2024
Teen Riders Represent F-One in GWA World Tour Stops
Two of F-One's youngest riders made an impressive showing at a recent GWA Wing Foil Events in Dakhla, Morocco and Ibiraquera, Brazil. Leon Schiel from the UK is only 14 but placed 3rd in the Wave category in Dakhla, and 17-year-old Liam Coralle advanced to the quarterfinals in his first-ever GWA event.Dakhla sits at the edge of the Sahara Desert and has a shallow, flatwater lagoon. The side-offshore wind is just right with consistent speeds of 20 to 30 knots. Air temps in the fall rise to a
28th Oct 2024
Cheers to Pat - Thanks for All the Sessions
After bringing the MACkite crew and customers the boardsports stoke for 10 years, Pat is moving on join the North/Mystic team. Thanks for everything, Pat, and cheers to your new adventure! Check out the video to see just some of the reasons we love Pat! He'll put a smile on your face just like he has ours.
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12th Feb 2024
The Science of Finding Balance…
Five mantras you can use to optimize your time where it matters most.
I woke up this morning and made a hot cup of coffee. While sipping it slowly in the warm glow of my sunroom, I began to reflect on question I get regularly from my good friends, ““How do you continue to balance your time between family and work, and still ride as much as you do?” The idea of balancing my work passions with my life passions is something I work hard to achieve. To give you a little context, I am a ADHD Gen. X
21st May 2021
Press Release: Cabrinha Announces New Ownership
New Ownership On Eve of Cabrinha’s 20th Anniversary Pete Cabrinha and Water Bound Investments Purchase CABRINHAMAUI, Hawaii – February 12, 2020Cabrinha the world leader in kitesurfing equipment is investing into the future! The iconic kitesurfing brand, founded in the year 2000 by namesake and surf industry pioneer Pete Cabrinha, today announced new ownership on the eve of the company’s 20th brand anniversary. Pete Cabrinha along with Water Bound Investments, led by former professional kitesurfe
12th Feb 2020
DUOTONE - The Launch of a New Brand
Welcome DUOTONE!
We know that there has been a tornado of speculation and questions regarding the re-branding of the well known and loved North Kiteboarding brand. To put it as simply as possible, nothing is changing except for the name! Customers can expect the same highly developed product, improved service, and a fresh brand energy. Duotone is essentially what "North" for 2018 was - same designers, products, and distribution channels
"Duotone is going to go forward
26th Jul 2018
Officially Announced: North is Rebranding to Duotone
*Emails submitted above are submitted to Duotone, not to MACkiteboarding.comThe Secret Is OutAfter 18 years Boards & More is dropping North Kiteboarding and launching their own brand, Duotone. Citing differing views on the future of the brand with North Sails (owned by Oakley Capital), Boards & More has parted ways and will move forward under the newly formed brand Duotone. So what does this mean for you? Hopefully only good things.Their new website can be found at: www.DuotoneSports.comIs the
20th Jun 2018
Let's Chat: Who Is MACkite?
Who Is MACkite?
If you're a kiteboarder with an internet connection, then you may have already heard of We've been heavy with our internet game for quite a few years now, and people have taken notice.
As online consumers, it's nice to have an idea about the places that we choose to do business with. It's great to know a little bit about the people behind the website and connect with them on a personal level. So let's dig in.Where are they from—Michigan?
The prefix, MAC st
28th Sep 2017
Kiteboarding Video: Richard Branson & Barack Obama Showdown
Richard Branson vs. Barack Obama: A Kitesurfing Story
I know, it sounds crazy, right? Perhaps it sounds like something you would read in one of the tabloids you casually glance at while in line at the grocery store. Believe it or not, the former first couple, Barack and Michelle Obama, were enjoying a well-deserved vacation, and Barack Obama took the leap of faith to learn how to kiteboard. Image by Jack Brockway // Source: Virgin
It's not every day you catch a former POTUS learning an ad
8th Feb 2017
Kiteboarding Video: Kiteboarder Rescue by Floatplane
Kiteboarding Rescue From The Sky
When it comes to kiteboarding, you don't want things to go wrong. Sometimes, when your wind dies, your kite takes a turn for the worse. This can make it very difficult to get back up and riding, especially in stronger currents.
In this video, another hero in the sky makes a daring rescue for his friend. It's nice to have someone to access you from the water, especially when other rescue teams do not know how to proceed.
8th Jul 2016
Robbie Maddison's Pipe Dream
DC Shoes: Robbie Maddison's "Pipe Dream"
DC presents Robbie “Maddo” Maddison’s “Pipe Dream,” giving the world a chance to witness history being made as Maddo rides his dirt bike on the powerful and iconic waves of Tahiti. From his helmet to motocross boots, Maddo was dressed for FMX when he took his dirt bike into the unchartered saltwater terrain of the Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia.
For nearly two years Robbie has been focused on making surfing on his motorbike a reality. His efforts
3rd Aug 2015