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Let's Chat: 2017 North Rebel w/ Jake
Jake on the 2017 North Rebel
So you're Interested in the Rebel. We're imaging some of the questions you are asking yourself...What's New this year, and what type of rider will benefit from this kite?
Well this overview should square that up for you.
The Rebel is North’s long standing big air freeride kite. In years past people have turned to the rebel looking for that efficient user friendly kite that will jump huge, ride upwind better than your average kite and minimize shake in the bar cau
1st Dec 2016
Let's Chat: 2017 North Dice w/ Jake
Jake on the 2017 North Dice
The Firecracker! or as you might know it. The 2017 North Dice. What's new, and what kind of rider will benefit from this kite.
What is great about the Dice is it really has something to offer anyone. Whether you are into unhooked wakestyle/freestyle. Hooked in riding with some serious flair, waves or kite loops. This kite loops especially well! The Dice is North's answer to riders willing to sacrifice a little wind range for an exceptionally high performance a
1st Dec 2016