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Disguise The Limit: The Full Movie by Cabrinha
Disguise The Limit
You've been waiting for the latest Cabrinha gear. Now its the time to see it put to the test by the Cabrinha team. Admittedly, this movie can be a little long for some, but it is definitely worth the watch. (Pro tip: The 20-minute mark has some pretty hilarious shenanigans from Nick Jacobsen. Ever seen someone try to give a foot-five to their friend while kitesurfing? I know I haven't.) Riders: Pete Cabrinha, Keahi De Aboitiz, Reo Stevens, Moona Whyte, Nick Jaco
21st Jul 2015
Cabrinha's 2016 Lineup: Coming to a Store Near You
Coming soon - Disguise the limit - Cabrinha 2016
In a world...where kiters company...sets conquer...the world. (Okay, so, maybe we can't do a good version of the "movie guy voice" in a blog. I tried.) Join the masses in one of the most anticipated kite releases this season. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to be out in the water (and maybe you'll cry out in the water over how awesome this lineup is). Watch as your favorite riders team up and ride on in a vid
20th Jul 2015