Ride with Blake | How To Do Your First Front Roll
The front roll is a must have basic for any kiteboarder. It looks awesome on its own but it does lead to more advanced tricks and rotations.
Today you were going to learn this basic in three sessions. I'm going to do this one a little different as this video is for beginners.
It's all about muscle memory and slowly building confidence. I'll be recommending a certain number of times you should practice each movement for each session.
Let’s get started.
Session number one: Do a flat 360.
I've talked about this before in other videos. This is the best way you start building the muscle memory for basic rotations. People tend to chicken out trying their first rolls. The best way to get over this is to build that muscle memory slowly and safely. Send the kite for a small jump, look over your back shoulder and swing your hips. Spot your landing, sheet out and ride away.
- Just like back rolls, take you back hand off. This is the most common mistake beginners make.
- Start small it’s okay to do this low and slow. Just keep looking over that shoulder and your body will follow.
I recommend you do 15 of these for your first session. Doing at least 15 will ensure that you feel comfortable the next time you go out and ride. Repetition builds muscle memory.
The flat 360 is the first step in learning rolls.
Session number two: progressively invert more on this session.
Now is the session where you want to progressively invert more each attempt.
To do this, as soon as you pop, bring front knee to your chest and at the same time your forehead to your armpit. This is what will initiate the actual roll. Every attempt, try and bring that knee higher and dip your head and shoulder more. Get used to inverting more progressively. It might feel funny with the center line in your way but use it as a point of rotation and let your body spin around it.
- Start with a warm up and repeat session one for at least 5 rolls. That flat 360 will really help
- Jump up first before you rotate. You want to make sure you have a good pop if you're going for the actual roll. Push down on your back leg hard and really bring that front knee into your chest.
- Don't sent it past noon, at least not yet. As you come around you’ll have to pull the kite harder to ride away. otherwise you might outrun the kite or it will be too far over and you will sink.
- As soon as you spot landing pull in on front hand. The kite needs to go to one or eleven o'clock so it will pull you around and out of the spin. Most tricks you sheet out to stop but on front rolls you want the kite to pull you around
I recommend that you do at least 10 this session, 20 if you're crashing a lot. Again, we're building muscle memory. So don't stress if you're not inverting or doing the full roll yet.
Starting to get that invert.
3 Session three: Commit to the invert.
You just spent two sessions diligently working your way up to this point Now is the time to commit to the roll and solidify your efforts. This time I want you to drop your shoulder and head harder to invert more. Really pull that knee into your chest.
Imagine you're trying to knee your forehead. If you need to do a warm up and try some flat 360s to inspire confidence that's fine. Never feel back about dialing things back a notch to build confidence.
If you're feeling comfortable try and get more board speed for a bigger jump. You can also send kite harder and faster.
- My favorite tip for big air is when you send it, sheet out all the way first so when you pull in it will take you higher.
- When you reach the peak of your jump that's when you rotate.
- Tips always stay tucked until you land. back rolls r easier to spot. hold tuck to protect your knees Get as tight as you can knee and shoulder closer smaller point to rotate.
I recommend that you do at least 5 front rolls every following session after this. The key to landing bigger and better tricks or adding style is to have them so practiced that they are second nature on the water.
Because I was inverted.
If this takes you longer don't stress. Kiteboarding is supposed to be fun! Just keep repeating what ever step you are on until you can land the progression 5 times in a row. Once you can do that, dial it up a notch and keep working.
Thanks for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Also be sure to share this with a friend as always if you have a request let me know. See you on the water!
Video Written & Produced by: Blake Olsen & Ryan (Rygo) Goloversic
Blake Olsen
A Michigan boy through and through (even though he was born in Saudi Arabia), Blake is a youth with a lifetime of experiences and adventures. Not only that, he's passionate about sharing his zest for life with others. He is proficient at many fields, including kiteboarding and acting as concierge to any who simply ask. Looking for an adventure? Well, Blake is your guy. From sailing the Gulf and the Caribbean to backpacking Hawaii and Southeast Asia, he knows his stuff and can make your vacation into an adventure.
Webpage: BlakeTheOlsen.com
Instagram: @BlakeTheOlsen
Facebook: BlakeOlsen
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