North Kiteboarding Academy / How to Land a Kite

North Kiteboarding Academy / How to Land a Kite

Learn how to land your kite in shallow water, with lots of free space around you.

When you're ready to land your kite, be sure to signal clearly to your helper that you want to land the kite by tapping the top of your head with a flat hand. 

Once the helper is ready, slowly lower your kite down along the edge of the wind window, using your top hand only to steer the kite. The lower hand should be free. Slow down the kite's descent by gently pulling on the top hand. 

Once it's within reaching distance of the helper, they should grab the kite in the middle of the leading edge. Now you should walk towards the kite to remove pressure on the lines.

Let's repeat the key elements:

  1. Check that there is enough space around you to land.
  2. Signal to your helper by tapping on the top of your head with the flat hand.
  3. Steer the kite down slowly using only your upper hand.
  4. Once the helper grabs the kite, walk towards them to release any tension in the lines.

11th Jul 2017 Aaron Johnson

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