Taking Kiting Micro-Vacations to Regain Work/Life Balance
Three things that you can do today to reset and find happiness...
Why do we do adventure sports like snowboarding and skiing? I can sum it up in one word. Freedom.
When we were kids, life was about three things: discovery, creativity and play. Somehow, the older we got, the less we played, the less we discovered, and the less we created. With so many obligations from family, bills, and personal goals, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Along the way, we lose that passion and sense of adventure we used to find in everyday life.
So how do we rediscover fun?
There is an easy way to get that back, to reset, rewind and let loose. It’s as easy as a weekend trip with friends or even a day-cation. Think about your mindset when you go on a ski trip...you actually allow yourself to enjoy the little things; you get excited about finding new lines in the glades, trying a new trick, or grabbing a beer with friends. Let's not forget exchanging dialogue at the lodge that has nothing to do with next week's deadline. The truth is that this thing, this feeling, this idea is a state of mind. Unfortunately, it's one that is far too easy to forget. Armed with this knowledge, I am one of the worst repeat offenders.
The secret to Reset
I work in the action sports world. I love my job, yet it’s incredibly easy for me to wake up to being buried by emails, technology, and work. Awhile back I discovered the secret to reset, rewind, and allow myself to fall in love with life - it's as simple as taking micro vacations a couple times a year. Now, before you stand up and attack me about commitments and budget, realize I’m not talking about extravagant costly week-long vacations to exotic locations. (Although those are nice from time to time.)
I’m talking about day and weekend trip with friends. In fact, one of my favorite trips I’ve habitually taken every year for the last six is a pilgrimage up North, a weekend trip to Mount Bohemia in northern Michigan no less. Many of you live near a few resorts...make a point to get out this weekend and reset as often as possible! Even if it's just for an hour after work, I promise you will come back to work the next day feeling more productive.
Mount Bohemia
The northernmost location in our peninsula state: nine hundred vertical feet of powder, fresh lines, and terrible cell phone service! It’s here that I find freedom every winter. True to its name, Bohemia is one of the remaining Mom and Pop resorts with that down-to-Earth feel.
A small mountain in a smaller town with a Yurt city at the base, there are not a lot of luxuries here. The Yurts have a distinct pungent odor, and the bunk beds are not what you would consider soft. Yet, I'm more relaxed in this place than I am anywhere else.
The real magic of this place and snowboarding is camaraderie and exploration. It's the norm for our crew to start of as a group and explore the mountain looking for fresh powder and new lines. My weapon of choice is more often than not an all mountain snowboard from the Rome line up. With steep terrain, high speeds, and lots of trees, I need a board with some precision and pop.
(Backstory time!) Snowboarding became one of my passions sometime in the mid-Nineties. Needless to say, I prefer a board with traditional camber in these conditions. I have a few favorite boards in this category meant for high speed and precision. Something with a unique camber profile would be the Never Summer Ripsaw or the Never Summer West. These boards are just amazing and they bring a sense of familiarity and something new to the table all at once.
When I'm back home on smaller ski hills I opt for something a little more forgiving and playful. The Rome Mechanic has actually become my choice board for slower speeds. More or less its something I can goof around after work. The forgiveness of the board allows me to try new things with less fear of catching an edge. This is especially great when I'm still a little stiff from sitting at a desk all day!
Mount Bohemia is completely ungroomed...nothing but back country, cliff drops and steep faces, many of which have a lot of trees to navigate. With so many runs our group always splits into smaller crews. Some of us are die-hard powder chasers, others enjoy finding suspect looking drops. The amazing thing about this place is that if you look hard enough, you are going to find one or the other somewhere. There are no runs that are off limits. Once you reach the base of the back country, there are a couple of buses that run a long the road and pick you back up.
The takeaway here is to make a point to discover something new your next snowboard or skiing session. Find a new trail, a new drink, or even a new riding buddy. Novelty is what brings flavor to life. Remember ,you don't even have to take a trip to apply this. Go somewhere new for lunch, try a new workout routine, or read a book. Seriously, try something new today and you will be amazing at the effect it has on your demeanor.
As amazing as technology is, the lack thereof seems to inspire creativity. Chances are, you know what I'm talking about. That feeling you get when your riding in the woods, and all you can hear is the wind passing your ears. You can feel the sound and vibrations of your snowboard cutting through the snow. Your mind clears and you appreciate what matters the most in your life.
Mount Bohemia is a technology black hole. My phone gets shut off, I leave the laptop at home. The only form of entertainment is the people around me and our environment.
I don't know about you, but when I'm in that state of mind I always seem to learn something new. Whether its a new trick or outlook on life. Getting away from my phone and computer for even a day allows me to find other ways to entertain myself. You know what else fosters creativity? Conversation. Yes, the lost art of talking with friends sans the smart phone in hand. All jokes aside, we let loose up there. Not all conversations have to be serious either. Half the time we blast Pantera until 3 a.m. and drink more alcohol than a frat and mosh into the night. Sometimes you need to let it all out. The funny thing is that these guys are respectable adults; some are entrepreneurs or hold important positions at large companies.
I've noticed something else when I disconnect. Remember how I said the beds aren't exactly soft? Well, I never sleep more soundly anywhere else than Bohemia. No phone to keep me up and being active all day allow me catch up on some much needed sleep.
So what is the takeaway here?
Make a point to disconnect when you ride or in your life. You don't have to listen to music or be available twenty-four-seven. Sometimes it's important to be off the grid, even for an hour a day. Find some time for yourself. Get a quick snowboard session in or go for a run; draw something or play the guitar. Make a point to carve out some you time.
Action sports are all about play. For three days I leave all my work at home. I allow myself to be a kid. I encourage you to get out today and have some fun. Get a sitter this weekend and take a trip to your local ski resort. I can promise you all facets of your life will improve: your mood, your creativity, and (believe it or not), your work.
Incorporate these there concepts into your everyday and see what happens. And if you need a kick start, sometimes a weekend ski trip with your buddies is all it takes.
Ryan (Rygo) Goloversic
Ryan (Rygo) Goloversic
Many people dream of quitting their job, traveling the world and pursuing their passions. Rygo is one of those people. About eight years into a postal career, he decided to change everything and travel as a freelance videographer & writer. This took him from coast to coast and a variety of countries. Nowadays you can catch him on the phones, doing lessons, or working on videos. Of course, he still makes a point to travel as often as possible. He is passionate about helping people and sharing the stoke with his customers and students alike.
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