Improve Your Surf Foil Skills with Foil Drive | Helpful Tips and Techniques

Improve Your Surf Foil Skills with Foil Drive | Helpful Tips and Techniques

Foil Drive is more than just a product; it's a community dedicated to enhancing the surf foil experience with innovative technology. In this masterclass, Paul from Foil Drive shares invaluable tips and tricks on how to effectively use the Foil Drive system in the surf. Whether you're a seasoned foiler or just starting, these insights will help you make the most of your time on the water.

Introduction to Foil Drive

Foil Drive aims to create not only excellent products but also a supportive community where knowledge is freely shared. Today's session focuses on practical advice for using Foil Drive in the surf, covering everything from equipment setup to advanced riding techniques.

Equipment Overview

  • Board: Custom-made Jimmy Lewis 4'11"
  • Foil: Integrated No Limits V2 M with Code 850s and 158 tail
  • Features: Lightweight design with maximum power and runtime

Preparing for the Session

Before hitting the water, ensure all equipment is properly checked:

  • Throttle off: Ensure the throttle is off when walking the board out.
  • Propeller bolts: Check and secure all bolts.
  • Battery grease: Apply grease to the battery to ensure smooth operation.
  • Nose cone: Make sure the nose cone is latched.
  • Board handling: Hold the fuselage and one wing tip for better control when navigating waves.

Techniques for Getting Started

Entering the Water

Paul prefers grabbing the fuselage and wing tip to manage the board effectively as waves approach. This method allows the board to pop up and over smaller waves easily. As you venture deeper, consider turning the throttle on, preparing for takeoff.

The J Turn

For smaller boards that are harder to get going on flat water, the J turn is a crucial technique. Pretend to catch a wave, then turn off at the last second. This maneuver helps generate extra lift, making it easier to get on plane.

Avoiding White Water

Paul recommends avoiding breaking waves, which can be too aggressive. Instead, build speed, peel off smoothly, and engage the motor at around 60-65% throttle for a gentle transition back into the water.

Riding Techniques

Smooth Transitions

When riding a wave and preparing to peel off, engage the motor at a lower throttle setting. This approach ensures a smooth re-entry into the water without disturbing other surfers or causing unnecessary surging.

Absorbing Wave Energy

As you approach a wave, lift your knees to absorb the energy. This technique is particularly useful for handling aggressive waves, keeping the foil stable and maintaining control.

Staying Safe

Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when other surfers are nearby. Give yourself plenty of space and time to react to the wave's movements, and don't hesitate to fall off if you feel uncomfortable.

Advanced Tips

Handling Rough Conditions

In choppy conditions, use your legs to absorb the bumps, maintaining the foil's stability. Keep the motor submerged and avoid riding too low, as this can drag the pod and reduce efficiency.

Diagonal Approach

When paddling back out, consider heading diagonally towards the waves. This technique gives you more time to deal with oncoming swells and can save battery life by reducing the power needed to overcome headwinds.

Prone Takeoffs

For prone surfing, start with the throttle at a lower setting. Paddle to build speed, then engage the motor gently as you push up off the board. This method ensures a controlled lift-off without overpowering the board.

Turning Off Waves

When riding a wave, merge with it diagonally. This approach gives you more control and time to choose the right line. Avoid hard turns, especially into white water, as they can lead to dangerous falls.

Equipment Maintenance

Post-Session Checks

After your session, always turn off the controller and check that the throttle is off before walking the board back in. Secure the wing and board, and handle them carefully to avoid damage.

Regular Inspections

Routine maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your equipment. Check all bolts, apply grease to moving parts, and ensure everything is tightly secured before each session.


Foil Drive offers an incredible way to enhance your surfing experience, combining innovative technology with practical tips and techniques. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a safer, more efficient, and ultimately more enjoyable foiling experience. Remember, the key to mastering Foil Drive lies in patience, practice, and always prioritizing safety.

Key Takeaways

  • J Turn Technique: Essential for smaller boards and wings.
  • Smooth Transitions: Engage the motor gently for a smooth re-entry.
  • Wave Absorption: Use your knees to handle wave energy.
  • Safety First: Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid aggressive maneuvers in white water.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Regular checks and proper handling ensure longevity and optimal performance.
21st Jun 2024 Video: Foil Drive | Blog: Aaron Johnson

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