​How to Ride Toeside kitesurfing

​How to Ride Toeside kitesurfing

Step One - Park your Kite

Park the kite around a 45 degree angle. This applies whether you are going to your right or left. Keep the kite stable partially sheeted out. Park it high but not too high. If the kite is near noon, It will pull you off your edge.

Step Two - Edge and Twist

Twist into the wind so that your chest is facing upwind. While doing this, engage your heel edge and shift your feet so that your toeside edge is now digging in. As you twist you should naturally feel the need to engage that toeside edge so don’t overthink it.

Step Three - Push and Pull

You will need to pull with your front leg and push with your back leg. As you turn into the wind, bring your front knee to your chest and push your back leg out.

Step Four - Transfer your Weight

As you come around you will need to shift your weight from your heel edge to your toeside edge. With your chest facing the wind, lean a bit forward, dig your toes and lift your heels.

Your weight will be over your back leg and you will want to fight the urge to ride downind.

Step Five - Square Up

Square your shoulders with the board. If you stay square with the kite, you will go downwind. If you turn too much, it will overfly the kite to the edge of the window. Be mindful of your angle. Try to line up with the nose of the board. It helps taking your front hand off the board to square up a little better. 

Blake Olsen

A Michigan boy through and through (even though he was born in Saudi Arabia), Blake is a youth with a lifetime of experiences and adventures. Not only that, he's passionate about sharing his zest for life with others. He is proficient at many fields, including kiteboarding and acting as concierge to any who simply ask. Looking for an adventure? Well, Blake is your guy. From sailing the Gulf and the Caribbean to backpacking Hawaii and Southeast Asia, he knows his stuff and can make your vacation into an adventure.

Webpage: BlakeTheOlsen.com

Instagram: @BlakeTheOlsen

Ryan (Rygo) Goloversic

Many people dream of quitting their job, traveling the world and pursuing their passions. Rygo is one of those people who pulled the trigger. A few years into his career, he decided to change everything and travel as a kiteboarder, freelance videographer & writer. His mission is to share the stoke & help people put the boarding into their kiteboarding. Get outside and kite!


Producer of: Ride with Blake I Sessions I Versus I Destinations I Foil Fridays

14th Oct 2020 Blake Olsen

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