Event Highlights | GKA Big Air Kite World Championships Gran Canaria 2024

Event Highlights | GKA Big Air Kite World Championships Gran Canaria 2024

The 2024 Qatar Airways GKA Big Air Kite World Championships, Gran Canaria, was met with 35-plus knots of wind, ready to help boost the women and men who were competing to impressive heights. Jamie Overbeek and Pippa van Iersel had just won the title in France... would they be able to find their way to the top again? They'd been training hard, but so had the other competitors.

Jeremy Burlando, a local, set the tone with an impressive altitude of 15.3 meters. But it wasn't just about the big air and hangtime. Judges were also looking for aggression in tricks at full height, and Lorenzo Casati was ahead at the end of the day with a heat score of 23.10, thanks to his explosive technical airs.

For the women, the stakes were high. The winner would go straight to the semifinals. Francesca Maini made an impressive showing by going completely horizontal in a 12.9 meter air. Pippa van Iersel and Zara Hoogenraad joined the showdown, but only one would secure the semifinals spot. Zara Hoogenraad stuck a 12.3m double kiteloop, earning her an 8.53 score with a near-perfect combined heat score of 19.93.

The women's race became a 2-rider race for the title between Zara Hoogenraad and Francesca Maini. Lana Herman and Alice Ruggiu were also in the running with the lead changing after every massive jump, and Maini had the lead late in the finals. With only one jump left, Hoogenraad pulled off an outrageous 9.53 point Kiteloop Forward Roll and Double Boogie Loop for the first time ever in a women's big air competition. This launched her into first by just over a point, securing her win in the event and title as the Qatar Airways GKA Big Air Twintip Kite Women's World Champion 2024.

She credits an emotional week for giving her the motivation to fight for the win. Her grandmother had just passed away, and she had to miss the funeral to attend the event. Her family insisted that she compete rather than give up her chance to become world champion. She was also riding for her close friend Natalie, who was injured and couldn't compete. It was also her best friend's birthday, and the win made the day even more special.

The men's title was up for grabs, with brothers Lorenzo and Leonardo Casati, Stino Mul, and Jeremy Burlando all vying for the top spot. The judges were looking for extremity, and all four delivered. Lorenzo and Stino pulled off giant Kiteloop Backrolls with Board-offs, but Jeremy Burlando hit his stride in the final jump. Just one point out of the lead, he nailed a 19.2m jump with a Contra-loop Frontroll and finished with a Tick-tock to become the Qatar Airways GKA Big Air Twintip Kite Men's World Champion 2024.

Jeremy Burlando was able to do this by being in the present, he said. He was not looking at the future or the past, but living fully in the moment, staying chill, and giving it his best.

There is plenty of progression yet to achieve in big air, and this generation of riders has set the bar high for 2025.

2024 Qatar Airways GKA Big Air Kite World Championships Gran Canaria event results


1 Zara Hoogenraad (NED)
2 Francesca Maini (GBR)
3 Lana Herman (SLO)
4 Alice Ruggiu (ITA)


1 Jeremy Burlando (ESP)
2 Lorenzo Casati (ESP)
3 Stino Mul (NED)
4 Leonardo Casati (ITA)

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