Crew Thoughts From 2016 MRA On-Hill Snow Demo
What stood out the most to you this year, overall?
Nate: I would say that the outstanding product was quite surprising to me. Nitro came up with a really solid deal - a no-compromise board/binding combo for $399. I took a bunch of laps on this setup and was very surprised with how well it handled a variety of conditions. Whether bombing groomers or taking park laps, the 2017 Nitro SFU is a solid combo for an insane price.
RyGo: While I didn't get to ride this year as I was running a camera the whole time it sounds like Rome is really getting dialed in on their designs. At the same time, they have maintained the spirit of trying something new and out of the box!
Did you learn anything? If so, explain.
Nate: I learned how to play dice late one evening, and actually won a load of cash.
RyGo: Standing in one place for a really long time the bitter cold of a Michigan February day really stood out to me. As I was stuck maintaining a camera the entire day, I learned a good pair of gloves can go a long way. Thank you for the loaners, Nate!
Do you see any trends or direction adjustments to the industry?
Nate: Yes. Camber (positive - remember that?) is actually becoming a bit more of the focus in the snowboard industry now. I still definitely think rocker and modified rocker boards have their place (and I love riding them) on the hill, but I see the brands focusing more of their high-end products on the positive camber feel we all love. Directionals were a bit a buzz this year I felt, with a few skis and boards with unique shapes being constantly demoed throughout the week.
RyGo: I could be mistaken but it seems to me that traditional camber boards are making a comeback.
Tell us about your favorite moment while at MRA.
Nate: I'd have to say the 2nd Annual "Rich Whinnie Classic" Pond Hockey Game. Admittedly, I just made the name up, but it's getting to the point where our favorite Rome rep should probably toss a name on it. We get together on an incredible public outdoor rink and play a few games of schoolyard puck. Picture this - lights, boards, two goalies, a heated dressing area, beers, meat sticks, and a solid crew. It's a nice change of pace from testing snowboards all day.
Jake M: My favorite part of MRA, hands down, was trying out the myriad directional snowboards at my disposal. In fact, I liked them so much the next day I ordered up a Rome x Snurfer Powder Division board. As a very novice snowboarder, and with no aspirations to do tricks, the directionals I demoed were just what I was looking for - all about speed and carving. They felt very skateboard-esque. If you haven't tried one for yourself, definitely don't pass up an opportunity to. They make a great quiver board.
Ryan H: Riding at the MRA event at Boyne Mountain last week gave me a chance to try out a lot of boards in the 2017 lineup. My favorite board lineup of all the brands was the Rome lineup. Rome makes killer boards. One cool feature they have on their boards is a hot rod. This is a rod that runs through the middle of the board to give it more pop, and who doesn't want more pop?! My Favorite board in the Rome lineup is the Buckshot. The buckshot is a positive camber park board, but what I like most about this board is that it still has enough control to rip around outside of the park. When cruising on this board I found it plenty playful, yet when I wanted to put the throttle down I never felt out of control. This board is really a lot of fun both inside and outside of the park.
RyGo: My favorite moment at MRA this year was wrapping up a hard day's work behind the camera and getting to ride with Brad and Nate, even if the session was short lived.
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