Learning the Back to Revert (Back to Toeside) Kiteboarding Trick
This is the last video in the fundamentals playlist for now. Soon, I’ll be filming an intermediate level playlist. This week, we're going to cover the Back to Revert or Back to Toeside. In kiteboarding, I’ve been pushing that all advanced moves are combinations of the basics and this is going to be your first combo. You'll be pairing a backroll with a frontside 180.This is the second progression into the Back to Wrapped or the Backmobe and its super fun to turn into a downloop transition. While it’s an easy trick, the takeoff is a bit different than the standard backroll and there are a couple things to think about for the landing.
Forgive my bad photoshop job haha! I got the point across right?
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The Back to revert is one of my favorite tricks. It’s something that once you learn, you’ll land it every time. It’s also one of the first air tricks you’ll learn that requires a late release. The prerequisites for this one are the Raley with a late release, the pop to toeside and the Back Roll. If you can do that, you’ll have this dialed in no time.
Before we dive into the steps, I do want to mention that you should practice all the moves from this playlist about 349 times before moving on to intermediate moves. Let me repeat that. If you want to progress, practice everything on this playlist relentlessly. It takes about 300 to 500 attempts before tricks feel natural and automatic.
I say this to get the point across that you’re laying the foundation for your riding, building muscle memory, strength and air awareness. Aside from the free PDF, I’ve drafted up a training course breaking down the whole process. If you want to master kiteboarding, work your way though the training guide and keep the free PDF files on your phone to review before each session. Set goals for your riding and practice these moves in your mind before getting on the water.
Carve into the wind for a late release
Step One - Trick Overview
Keep the kite at 1 or 11 o’clock and come in with moderate speed. Ride downwind to unhook and start to carve back upwind and lean backward. Remember, just like our popping video, you need to keep good body posture and stay locked at your hips, keep your arms in close, and your toes pointed up while loading up your lines. As you initiate your scoop, carve sharper into the wind so that you almost initiate the backroll before leaving the water. Look over your front shoulder and swing your hips as your popping. Complete the back roll and as you start to naturally drop out of the sky, pull the bar hard into your back knee and point what was the tail of your board at the kite. Land flat riding downind.
Swing your hips for the last 180
Step Two - The Release & Body Position
This is almost the same as a regular backroll except the release is different. You need to carve harder into the wind and release your edge later than a regular back roll. Look over your front shoulder and start the roll just before you pop off the water. You want to be almost halfway through your back roll before you leave the water. This is a common mistake while learning a standard back roll so it actually should come naturally now that you are doing it on purpose.
Your body is going to follow your head on this trick. By the time you reach the apex you should have completed the back roll. Keep looking over your back shoulder and swing your back hip and back knee around the extra 180.
A useful tip for this trick is to split the bar with your index and middle finger of the back hand. This will keep the kite lower and pull you through the trick. I like to dive the kite with my front hand and let go to help swing my hips around the extra 180. It helps a lot to let go with your front hand on this one to open your body up.
Arm Position
Just like the normal back roll, keep a slight bend in your elbows and don’t let the kite get away from you. Keep it close to your chest and stay tight compact throughout most of the rotation. You can open up to slow yourself down and to prepare for the landing.
Body Position
Stay tucked for a fast roll and swing your body as a unit. Image your knees and elbows are connected. Now draw a circle in the air as you spin. As you complete the roll, pull the bar into that back knee and swing your back hip forward and downwind towards the kite.
To land this one pull the bar into your rear hip rather than your front hip. Point your tail at the kite and take what was your front hand off the bar to open up. Land flat and absorb the impact with your knees. This one looks particularly good if you land it with one hand. I like to turn my bar 90º to the water so it looks like a wake handle. That really doesn't matter but it's a nice touch.
Landing is easier with one hand on this one
What to try next.
Now that you’ve learned the Back Roll to Revert, Start working on the Progression for the back to wrapped and the Back to Blind. That means doing a lot more back rolls, back to revers and practicing the basic drills like surface passes. You need to be confident and automatic with those moves so that when you do push things, it will come more naturally.
So that's it for a while guys. I’ll start filming an intermediate list soon. I had planned on filming in Portugal this May but it looks like I might be stuck at home for a while so there is a good chance I’ll film that in my local spot. Remember to practice everything on this list way more than you think is necessary and use the free PDF and complete Training Guide If you have any questions or need help on a trick, add me and hit me up on Instagram
Ryan (Rygo) Goloversic
Many people dream of quitting their job, traveling the world and pursuing their passions. Rygo is one of those people who pulled the trigger. A few years into his career, he decided to change everything and travel as a kiteboarder, freelance videographer & writer. His mission is to share the stoke & help people put the boarding into their kiteboarding. Get outside and kite!
Producer of: Ride with Blake I Sessions I Versus I Destinations I Foil Fridays
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