Audi Takes Skiing to New (Grassy) Heights

Audi Takes Skiing to New (Grassy) Heights

Extreme "Dry" Skiing With Audi

Winter is coming...or is it? The "mitten state" is experiencing some seriously weird weather. With temperature jumps between 30- and 60-degrees (Fahrenheit), no snow, and no frozen lakes, we find ourselves in a weird in-between area of recreation. Too cold to kite, yet too warm and no snow to enjoy skiing and snowboarding. Sure, we could go out for a hike, but...what fun is that? (Just kidding, hiking is pretty fun. You know, walking and whatnot.) Audi has changed the game of the in-between seasons (yeah, the car company). Ever see a man ski...on grass and pavement? Oh yeah. Audi went there. While we know this is a car commercial, this video is still an absolute blast, and a (somewhat) tribute to our in-between recreation situation. 

Speaking of snow...

MACkite offers ski & snow expertise! This winter, experience a higher level of attention to getting you the perfect gear. New for this winter, MACkite is featuring skis, ski boots and accessories, as well as snowboards and full-service ski and snowboard tuning. Brands include: NordicaLineMarkerFull TiltSmith, POC, SandboxSwixNever SummerRomeBataleon32AirBlaster and more. Ready to try something new? Give us a call, we're always happy to help.

9th Dec 2015 Angela Sorensen

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