A First Glance at One-Lock, Slingshot's Screwless Hydrofoil

A First Glance at One-Lock, Slingshot's Screwless Hydrofoil

You arrive at the beach, and it's looking like a great foil session is in store. You grab your kit and get to work assembling it. The faster it's together, the faster you can get on the water! You've just about got all the screws in when you fumble one. Instinctively, you grab for it, but instead you tap it with the tip of a finger and knock it away. You do your best to track it as it tumbles to the sand, but when you go to pick it up, it simply isn't there. You sift and sift...

Screws are no fun. They take time to put in and take out, they wear out, they get sand in the threads, and they're always trying to escape like the One Ring. And that's why Slingshot spent the last three years developing something more precious: One-Lock.

What Is One-Lock?

One-Lock is more than just a replacement for screws, though it certainly is that since you can put your foil together in under 10 seconds without even rushing. It's a complete re-envisioning of what a foil should be. Slingshot whittled their new foil system down to just three parts: the stabilizer, front wing, and mast. These lock together with one lever that's permanently attached to the front wing, so it can never get lost.

Why Do I Need It?

There are many reasons to give this a go. You'll be heading down to the surf before your buddies have their first screw in. Dropped it in the sand before it was together? No worries. Brush it off a little and carry on with assembly. On the water, you'll notice the reduced weight and drag, along with the incredibly precise foil positioning. It's a smooth experience, from assembly to cruising the waves.

When Can I Ride It?

Soon! Well, sorta soon. It's coming in spring 2025, and we'll have preorders open even sooner than that, so stay tuned. In the meantime, here are some pretty pictures. Enjoy!

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