2015 Cabrinha 1X Overdrive Review

2015 Cabrinha 1X Overdrive Review

Nate at MACkite reviews the 2015 Cabrinha 1X Overdrive System, demonstrating its ease of use and simplicity. Cabrinha kites completely redesigned their control system for 2015, and we're all pretty excited about the changes! The new 2015 Overdrive 1X System is backwards compatible, meaning you can use it on any Cabrinha kites from 2008, going forward. If you're looking for the big change to Cabrinha in 2015, here it is!

Nathan Flying Cabrinha Kites

Nathan Flying Cabrinha Kiteboarding Kites

Nathan Using The Cabrinha 1X Overdrive Bar

31st Jul 2014 Jake VanderZee

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